UPDATE: School board committee recommends keeping public high school on funding priority list

Public school board trustees will vote on November 25 on a motion to automatically include a Stittsville public high school on its list of this year’s capital funding priorities.

On November 3 at the board’s Committee of the Whole meeting, trustees voted in favour of a motion to approve a new draft policy on capital planning. This includes grandfathering any remaining unfunded projects from last year’s capital priorities list, according to trustee Lynn Scott.

Scott provided the following information to StittsvilleCentral.ca:

“In the course of the discussion, staff also indicated their expectation that, early in the new year, the provincial government will be releasing their criteria for projects to be considered for funding in the next round of provincial capital grants and asking school boards to submit prioritized lists.  In the case of the OCDSB, this next list will be based on the previous one, where an addition to West Carleton Secondary School and a public high school for Stittsville are at the top of the list when the projects already funded are crossed off.”
“If the board approves the recommendation to approve the new policy and grandfather the remaining capital projects, this means that the Stittsville high school project remains as a high priority.  While the board’s decision gets us no closer to receiving funding from the province, it leaves the Stittsville high school well positioned for further consideration by the province.”

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