(The doors are always open to all at Stittsville United Church.)
Stittsville United Church continues to host members of the community to explore a variety of spiritual practices. Most activities are offered free of charge, with the exception of Paint Nites ($25, including a light lunch) and occasional other activities at which donations are accepted.
(Ian Moody shows his artwork from a recent Paint Nite at Stittsville United Church. Photo: SUC)
The majority of these offerings are anchored to Soul Time Wednesdays, starting at 6:00 pm with an hour of Meditation. Four different teachers rotate through the month, offering practices from Buddhism, mindfulness meditation, centering prayer, and vedantic meditation techniques. Come explore, and practice! Currently, we have a community of about 20 souls who come out regularly, sharing and supporting one another in the practice.
Soul Time continues from 7:00 – 8:30 pm with alternate activities, depending on the week. Regular offerings include an interfaith spiritual book club meeting monthly, a chakra toning and sound healing experience, also meeting monthly, a film-inspired theological conversation based on a National Geographic series Story of God, and other workshops, such as prayer, Lectio Divina, and healing circles.
For more information, check our website at www.suchurch.com or by calling 613-836-4962.