(Judith Cox, President of the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society, discusses the planting plan with Michael Ostafichuk, President of the Stittsville Legion and Legion member, Mike Albert, as they work to rejuvenate the garden at the Stittsville Legion. Photos: Mary Lou O’Rourke)
The Stittsville Legion members reached out to the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society (SGHS) for some help to update the front garden at the Legion building on Stittsville Main Street. On Thursday, June 13, members of the SGHS joined with members of the Legion to get to work – once the weather had cleared for long enough to get work done. It did rain at times during their work, but perseverance saw the group getting the job done.
Michael Ostafichuk (Legion President) and Mike Albert (Legion member) provided the soil and manpower along with lovely petunias for filler and to bring more colour to the front garden space.

Denise Leveille and Marie Woolley, who volunteered their time, were digging and weeding while Arlene Rowe brought established perennials to add even more colour to the Legion’s garden.
As well, Mary Lou O’Rourke (SGHS Secretary/Treasurer) and Judith Cox (SGHS President) were there to help and discuss the plan where the plants should go for optimal growth.

So the next time you pass the Stittsville Legion building, you will notice more colour during the summer season and you have the hard-working SGHS and Legion members to thank who worked as a team to plant the new garden. Judith Cox said, “The garden should fill in well over the season.”