Stittsville Market @theBarn is holding a special fundraiser market October 3

Sunday, October 3 will be a busy day at the Market @theBarn and in the Village Square Park. Mandy Faulkner and Daniel Viens, owners of our beloved market barn, are holding a special fundraiser market in support of the Gord Downie-Chanie Wenjack Fund.

The market will see 37 vendors participating from 9:00am until 1:00pm (rain or shine). As you support the vendors, Gord Downie’s Secret Path music will fill the air. Secret Path tells the story of 12 year-old Chanie Wenjack. In 1966, Wenjack walked the rail lines to return to his home after escaping from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School. He sadly died trying to get home on October 22, 1966.

The proceeds from the vendor fees will go to the Downie-Wenjack fund, with some vendors providing additional support by donating a portion of their sales. The vendors are coming from as far away as Westport, with most from the Stittsville and Kanata communities. Those participating are:

In addition, @theBarn held a junior entrepreneur market recently and three of these young vendors will be participating. They will be offering jewellery, homegrown pumpkins, handmade reusable snack and storage bags, with the youngest being 8 years-old and selling kindling wood.

One interesting vendor is Pawcasso Sapphire who is selling artwork created by their dog, a black standard poodle. They will have wearable art, kitchen mugs and glassware and, of course, all motifs were created by Sapphire.

Mark your calendar for two additional special fundraising markets to be held on November 7th and the 28th. Watch for further details.


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