Remembrance Day is observed by Canadians to remember all those who have fought and died in the line of duty to keep us free. Many of us have family members, friends, or friends of friends who have lost someone dear or were injured in the war efforts. If we do not remember, their sacrifice is meaningless. When you pause on the 11th month, the 11th day at the 11th hour, appreciate that Canadians are so fortunate for our place in life – only because of the strength of so many who fought in battle for our basic beliefs, justice and right to freedom.
This year, the Remembrance Day ceremony is open to public, but note that the parade starting point is changing. The ceremony will begin at Warner-Colpitts Lane at 2:00pm and will be followed by the service at the Stittsville Cenotaph. As in past years, the Stittsville Legion members invite residents back for refreshments and live music. The musical guests will be Sharon and Jeff at 3:00pm, with 2 for the Road on the stage at 7:30pm. The Legion personnel ask all who attend to adhere to public health guidelines and would like people to wear a mask.

(The Stittsville Cenotaph, the two tarnished plaques that appear on the Cenotaph that read: ‘In memory of all those who served in the defence of their country; and, In honour of all those who paid the supreme sacrifice for their country’.”
We reached out to Tracy Shultz, the President of the Stittsville Legion, Branch 618, to ask what Remembrance Day means to her and to the Stittsville Legion members. Tracy is a Canadian Forces decorated Petty Officer (Ret’d), 2nd Class of the Royal Canadian Navy. When you take a moment to remember or attend the Stittsville ceremony think of these poignant words from Tracy:
“Remembrance Day holds a very special place in my heart. I am a 21 year Royal Canadian Navy veteran. This day runs deep to the core of all veterans both young and old. It’s is not only a time for reflection but an opportunity to thank those who have signed a “blank cheque” to the Canadian people to lay down their lives in defence of freedoms should they be called upon. Veterans come in many different shapes and sizes. We have all been through our own stuff and have come out the other side. WWI, WW2, Korea, Afghanistan and many other conflicts and deployments have helped shape many nations. Canadian Military, both men and women, have always been the “tip of sword”. Sometimes society finds it easy to forget and with this day of Remembrance our desire is to ensure all are remembered.
“Both of my Grandfathers fought in WW2. Each man found its own way to come home to their families. For that I am grateful. Too many didn’t make it home.
“Too many have lost their lives in defence of others. Without the brave men and women putting it all on the line so many others would have lost their lives or their homes. For a service person that is all that matters. We don’t do it for glory or recognition we do because we feel compelled to do so.
“The Stittsville Legion strives to maintain traditions and grow strong connections with our veterans. We want to ensure we “show up” for veterans in a time of need. Our Legion does its best to be there in the good and the bad times. All are always welcome even if they are not veterans. I am proud to call Branch 618 home and I am honoured to be its President. I have found another family that I can count on and so can veterans.
“We should also not forget those who keep the home fires burning while they are away. They allow veterans to remain strong as they know those left behind got it well in hand. Family is the cornerstone and the rock to so many. Veterans find family at home and in the service. Both are strong reminders as to why they do what they do.
“On this day of Remembrance tip your figurative hat to a veteran. Be curious. Sit with them. Find out their stories. Find out who they are. They might surprise you with what they are willing to share. Listen not only with your ears but your heart. Tell them a personal “Thank-you” and let them know you will do your best to ensure they are not forgotten.
Lest We Forget“
This year, the Royal Canadian Legion is proud to present “Poppy Stories”, a brand-new initiative that allows Canadians to scan a lapel Poppy with their smartphone. With every scan, you’ll be introduced to a fallen soldier with a story to remember. Just go to to scan your Poppy!
Remember the fallen and keep those serving in your thoughts.