(The W.J. Bell Rotary Peace Park located in south Stittsville.)
The Ottawa-Stittsville Rotary Club members are aware of the importance for everyone to have good mental health, especially during times of uncertainty. During the past year, many are facing a mental health crisis, with the abuse of drugs and overdoses increasing. As a community minded Club, the Rotarians have brought together three experts in the field of mental health and will be holding three free virtual seminars for the public.
The Rotary Club members encourage everyone to participate whether you or a family member may have been effected by mental health. They only wish what is best for our community as we navigate our way to a better future.
The community is also invited to visit the W.J. Bell Rotary Peace Park for some quiet contemplation or meditation at their labyrinth this Spring.
Each webinar will be hosted by Ryan Forsyth, a mental health speaker and advocate. The free seminars will take place via Zoom on March 30, April 6 and April 8. Each takes place from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. Additional details on the individual topics and the speakers, along with the required registration links are below:
March 30, 2021 from 7:30 – 9:00 pm: The Hero always Dies: How to be truly courageous in a plague of loss and fear: Meeting the loss, stress & traumas commonplace in 2021. The presenter is Dr Roy Ellis, MDiv CSCP, currently the Bereavement Coordinator for the Palliative Care Service, NS. (https://www.royfellis.com/). Register at this link.
April 06, 2021 from 7:30 – 9:00 pm: Management Strategies for Relating & Responding to Mental Health. The presenter is Breanna Pizzuto, Talk Tools Training, Lead Trainer and Consultant (https://www.talktoolstraining.com/). Register at this link.
April 08 2021 from 7:30 – 9:00 pm: Strategies for Job Search Success: Practical skills for finding a job in 2021, a pandemic time. The presenter is Michelle Schafer, Certified Career Coach, facilitator, specializing in career transition and leadership (https://mschafercoaching.ca/). Register at this link.