Stittsville trainer involved in altercation suspended until 2017

The following is a statement from the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association (SMHA).

Following a playoff game on February 18, 2015 a member of the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) minor bantam bench staff approached an official regarding a call related to the post-game handshake and a verbal argument ensued.  It was during this disagreement when our member and the official got into a physical altercation (very quick wrestling match).

As a result of this incident our member was assessed a MP68 (Physical Harassment of Officials) according to Hockey Canada Rule 9.6(c).  This infraction carries an automatic suspension pending an Ottawa District Minor Hockey Association (ODMHA) hearing.

On February 24, 2015 our member attended a hearing with the ODMHA and upon discussion and careful consideration the ODMHA panel issued our member a time suspension until May 16, 2016.  As a result, our member may not participate in any minor hockey activities, including dressing room, bench, and on/off ice activities for this specified period of time.  The SMHA also conducted their own internal investigation and hearing, and have concluded that in addition to ODMHA sanctions, all SMHA official team roster volunteering privileges have been removed from this member until January 01, 2017.

The SMHA would like to thank the ODMHA for their prompt investigation and fair conclusion to this unfortunate incident.


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