Around 5 years ago, members of the Stittsville United Church (SUC) began searching for ways to keep the community engaged and in-touch with their spirituality.
Members of the community came forward and organized their very own activities within the church where guests can “develop spirituality in a way that works for you,” says Ruth Richardson, Youth Worker and Spiritual Growth Director.
The SPARK program was initially meant to allow people to find their meaning and purpose, but these events quickly became a place of comfort for like-minded individuals to develop their spirituality further.
SUC holds multiple regular events, including Sunday Morning Kids Club, Paint Night, Forest Church, Quiet Mindfulness Meditation, and many more.
Every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Christa McCool hosts Sunday Morning Kids Club to teach younger community members resilience and how to form a positive mindset.
Although Sunday Morning Kids Club is directed towards kids aged 7 and up, the event is open to older individuals as well.
Amy Mesdag is the local artist responsible for hosting Paint Night, where she teaches valuable painting tips that can make any beginner’s art look advanced for the low price of $25. The event runs from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Forest Church is an excellent activity for those looking to find the sacred within nature. This event takes place on the last Sunday of every month courtesy of Denise Quiron.

This month, Forest Church will take place on April 24th, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Those interested are urged to contact the church directly beforehand.
Quiet Mindfulness Meditation takes place Wednesday nights from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. where all are welcome to relax, build their awareness, and shed any internalized judgement.
On Game Nights, host Alyssia Chamberlain welcomes people of all ages to get together and play board games both new and familiar.
In addition to all of the exciting events and activities regularly happening at the church, members of SUC are excited to announce that an outdoor family dance will be taking place on Saturday, June 18th, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. if the weather permits.
A band will be performing for the dance, and proceeds will be donated to the Stittsville Food bank.
For more information, or to secure your spot in one of the events, contact the Stittsville United Church via Facebook, by emailing, or by calling (613) 836-4962.
Also be sure to check out the Stittsville United Church online calendar to ensure you don’t miss out on an event.