The City needs your help to choose a replacement for the Sugar Creek Park in Stittsville. The combined junior and senior playground equipment for children between the ages of 1.5 to 12 years old, Sugar Creek Park is located at 13 Basford Crescent in the Crossing Bridge neighbourhood. Updates to the playground will include:
- Engineered wood fiber for the protective surfacing material to meet accessibility requirements
- An accessible pathway to the swing area
- An accessible swing seat to replace one of the baby bucket swings
- A teeter totter
- Overhead climbers
You can help by choosing your preferred playground replacement below, either Option 1 or Option 2.
(City of Ottawa rendering of Option A. Photo: City of Ottawa)
(City of Ottawa rendering of Option B. Photo: City of Ottawa)
Send your comments by January 20, 2020 to Mary Ellen Wood, City of Ottawa Parks Planner by email at or by telephone at 613-580-2400 Ext. 16482.