Tag: beavers
Wildlife groups support wildlife strategy after critical changes made to staff report
(Every year, Dr. Roly Armitage who recently passed away, would pay tribute to the importance of beavers in our local wetlands with a Canadian flag proudly displayed on a beaver…
Wildlife organization calls on city councillors to override staff report in favour of a non-lethal wildlife strategy with public accountability
Perhaps most concerning in the draft report is the lack of public engagement, oversight and accountability that is essential for an effective wildlife strategy.
Protecting our Wetlands – Stittsville June 8th meeting
Where, however, was this concern during the last number of years when Goulbourn’s wetlands were turned into municipal drains to support development, along with the regular trapping and killing of beavers?
Damian Piper gives a voice to Ottawa’s beavers
While on assignment for The Fulcrum, the University of Ottawa’s English language newspaper, Damian was intrigued by a story about the City of Ottawa’s practice of killing beavers.
Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre pens strong letter to Mayor and Councillors on City beaver issues
We are writing to express the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre’s extreme frustration in our attempt to work with the City of Ottawa on Beaver issues.
City of Ottawa needs to stop killing beavers
More than a decade ago, City Council directed staff to develop a Wildlife Strategy that “would facilitate and foster a more harmonious relationship with all wildlife.
Following Poole Creek, Part 2
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Poole Creek may be Stittsville’s most important natural feature. It meanders from west to north east, crossing through neighbourhoods old and new, playing a crucial role in our community’s ecology. In the…
A FINE BALANCE: Study looks at why Goulbourn wetlands are changing
(ABOVE: Looking north from the Trans Canada Trail, west of Stittsville, June 2016. Photo illustration.) “No interrupting, no swearing, no shouting. We’re all here to be heard, and this is…
LINKED: Stittsville resident helps taxi a sick beaver
THE BEAVER: Safely arrived at Aspen Valley Sanctuary and is getting help. #CastorChauffeur on @cbcallinaday now! pic.twitter.com/BuuWfl74uD — Area Resident (@DougHempstead) December 9, 2015 Several media outlets have stories today…
Jackson Trails resident Omar Sultan receives Mayor’s City Builder Award
(Photo: Omar Sultan (middle) receives the Mayor’s City Builder Award from Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor Shad Qadri. Photo and text via the City of Ottawa.) Mayor Jim Watson and Stittsville Ward…