Tag: Darryl Metzger
Your year-end financial checklist
As 2024 comes to a close, consider reviewing your current financial situation with the help of your Edward Jones advisor and our 2024 year-end checklist…
Is an RRSP always the best choice for retirement?
While there’s no doubt RRSPs remain an excellent way to save for retirement, they’re not the only tool in the box – other types of accounts can possibly be more effective.
Should you pay down debt or invest?
To determine whether it would be better for you to pay down debt or invest in the market, you need to look at your situation holistically…
First Home Savings Account considerations for 2024
With the launch of the First Home Savings Account (FHSA) in 2023, many Canadians opened accounts to start saving for their first home…
5 smart strategies for your tax refund
While getting a refund often feels good, it means you’ve overpaid and essentially given the government an interest-free loan all year. This typically isn’t an optimal strategy…
Are annuities a wise investment choice for retirement?
Annuities can provide a guaranteed income for life, making them an attractive option to create a stable retirement income and enhance your long-term financial security.
2024 tax facts: What you need to know
Be sure to stay informed about any changes to tax rules and consult with your Edward Jones advisor or tax professional to ensure you’re receiving accurate and up-to-date information…
Your 2023 financial checklist and sound advice to purchase your first home
As the calendar page turns toward the year’s end, it is time to take stock and do an annual check on your financial strategy for 2024 and opportunities for new home buyers in Canada to get some much-needed help.
Six ways to protect yourself against cyber threats
To mitigate cyber risk, building awareness, following a process, and monitoring your accounts can help ensure your private information remains just that.
What are the pros and cons of joint ownership with adult children?
Make your estate plan more efficient – hold investment accounts and real estate jointly with adult children, but there are also risks associated with joint ownership…
Asked to be an executor? Here’s what one executor wishes he’d known ahead of time
The executor must follow the wishes expressed in that person’s will and all applicable laws. An executor may be a family member, a friend, a trust company or a professional.
Focus on what you can control: Five steps to deal with rising costs
If you’re on a fixed income, or haven’t been able to increase your income, you’re probably noticing that the value of a dollar isn’t what it used to be.
Financial Focus with Darryl: what are GICs? The advantages and disadvantages explained
(This sponsored article was provided by Darryl Metzger, Financial Advisor at Edward Jones, Stittsville. Get in touch with Darryl to learn more of how he can help with your financial…
What does the first home savings account mean for new buyers?
The new tax-free plan to help more Canadians buy their first home and get into the housing market – basics you need to know…
Three tips to avoid blowing your travel budget
According to Statistics Canada, international travel by Canadians was down nearly 37% in the first three quarters of 2021 compared to the same period before the COVID-19 pandemic. But with…