Tag: Harold Moore
Waste Management keeps environmental groundwater monitoring away from the public eye
Harold Moore is the proverbial watchdog for the Carp Road landfill and he brings to the community’s attention that Waste Management has “gone dark on their environmental monitoring for the past 4 years”..
Work on new Carp Road Landfill has begun
During the municipal election campaign there has been little discussion of this major development on the outskirts of Stittsville and how it might impact quality of life for the surrounding communities.
Why a full environmental assessment review for the Carp Road landfill is needed
Harold Moore has been a formidable voice in the fight against the landfill expansion and his voice continues to raise concerns.
UPDATED: Ottawa’s host municipality agreement with Waste Management up for discussion at FEDCO
Should this be approved, WM would be permitted to accept a larger list and wider range of waste materials at the landfill…