Tag: history
The idea sparked in the 1960’s – The Stittsville Library opened its doors on October 3, 1973
The October 3, 1973 opening was a day full of excitement for the community and school children with many attending to see the official ribbon cutting by Reeve Ab Black…
Long time local resident heads up GTHS as Acting President
The Goulbourn Township Historical Society recently held their Annual General Meeting via Zoom and a new executive was elected. Roger Young, with long roots in the Goulbourn community has been named as the Acting President to replace Robert Halberstadt.
Participation grows in fourth year of Jane’s Walk
(Photos by Barry Gray) The Jane’s Walk in Stittsville took place on May 4th with a record crowd of approximately 120 participating — many coming from outside of Stittsville. Since Glen…
What is old is new again – Goulbourn Museum
(All photos: Stittsville Central.ca) Saturday was an exciting day for the Goulbourn Museum staff and board of directors. The newly revitalized permanent exhibit of ‘The Village General Store’ was officially…
Cold, blustery day doesn’t halt historical society annual general meeting
It was a cold day on Saturday, January 19th, but at least it was not snowing, and it certainly did not deter a good turnout from attending the Annual General…
Bill Bradley remembered as easygoing, quiet person
Photo: Bill Bradley. (Bradley family) For about 40 years William “Bill” Bradley and his cousin Kent, both neighbours on Manchester Street in Stittsville, shared a snowblower that they used to…
Goulbourn Museum to reopen next month
Photo: At the grounds of the Goulbourn Museum for the Father’s Day Flashback in June 2017. Photo by Barry Gray. The Museum is officially reopening on the weekend of June…
New historical photo exhibit opens at Richmond library
A new photo exhibit featuring 8 historical photos of Richmond has opened at the Richmond Public Library. Produced by the Goulbourn Historical Society, it is one of the ways the…
FEB 17: Reliving the Great Ice Storm
Saturday February 17, 2018, 1:30 pm at the Stittsville Public Library. It was considered by many to be the “Storm of the Century” but it started off innocently at the…
PHOTOS: Redcoats and muskets mark Father’s Day at Goulbourn Museum
The Goulbourn Museum welcomed dads and families for a special “Father’s Day Flashback” event on Sunday, June 18. The 100th Regiment of Foot reenactment group was on hand teaching participants…
SATURDAY: “Mississippi Mills Valour Award Recipients of the Great War”
With Remembrance Day having recently taken place, “Forgotten Heroes: Mississippi Mills Valour Award Recipients of the Great War” will be the topic presented by the Goulbourn Township Historical Society November…
Original Sens owner Bruce Firestone plans book about the team’s founding
(ABOVE: In a video from the early 1990s, Bruce Firestone talks to reporters on the Huntmar Bridge overlooking the farmer’s field that would eventually become the Palladium, now known as Canadian…
Five interesting items in the Goulbourn Museum’s new virtual collection
Last week, the City of Ottawa launched a new virtual collections catalogue for local museums and archives. It features over 34,000 digitized records and photos, including items from the Goulbourn Museum.
Local engineer’s historic ride on the last train through Stittsville
EDITOR’S NOTE: In January, we published a photo of the last train that travelled through Stittsville. The photo shows a man waving at the train as it’s about to cross…
100th Regiment seeks new recruits in Ottawa, just like in 1808
Here’s a real throwback. Just like the regiment’s newspaper advertisement in January 1808, the 100th Regiment is once again seeking new recruits in the Ottawa area. You do not…