Tag: jtca
NOTEBOOK: Trespassing, parking tickets and bike lanes
NO TRESPASSING SIGN HAS BIG IMPACT Finally had a chance to talk to Gerry Stephens from Stephens Auto Wreckers about the massive “NO TRESPASSING” sign he’s placed at the edge of…
Planning Committee gives ok to Potter’s Key, with conditions
“What we have ultimately ended up with was two victories out of many requests… Councillor Qadri worked really hard, along with some of the other councillors, to negotiate the motion.…
City staff asks Minto for more traffic data for Potter’s Key
Here’s an update from Councillor Shad Qadri on Minto’s proposed Potter’s Key development. Discussions have continued with City staff, Minto Homes and myself regarding the proposed Potter’s Key residential subdivision…
Over 100 Echowoods residents sign petition against Minto development
(Photo: Over 100 residents signed a petition against the traffic plan for Potter’s Key. The image has been blurred to protect the privacy of residents.) Echowoods resident Chris Levesque could…
Residents pack hall for lively meeting about Minto development
(Above: About 100 people atttended the public meeting to share their perspective on the new Minto development. Photo by Shannon Lough.) There weren’t enough seats in the room for concerned residents…
JTCA: A call for smarter development in Potter’s Key
At first glance, it’s easy to want to object to Minto’s proposal for Potter’s Key, the development to be built adjacent to Jackson Trails and Echo Woods. Change can be…