Tag: Ottawa Wildlife Strategy
Wildlife groups support wildlife strategy after critical changes made to staff report
(Every year, Dr. Roly Armitage who recently passed away, would pay tribute to the importance of beavers in our local wetlands with a Canadian flag proudly displayed on a beaver…
Wildlife organization calls on city councillors to override staff report in favour of a non-lethal wildlife strategy with public accountability
Perhaps most concerning in the draft report is the lack of public engagement, oversight and accountability that is essential for an effective wildlife strategy.
Ottawa needs a new Wildlife Strategy
With the recent killing of coyote in Riverside South and a young black bear in Kanata, it has become even more apparent that the City needs a progressive and humane Wildlife Strategy.
Wildlife strategy review: What you need to know
Human-coyote interactions in urban and suburban settings have continued; it is reported that in 2021 there were 476 coyote sightings reported to the City of Ottawa…
Presentation – living with coyotes in an urban environment
As part of the Wildlife Strategy, the City of Ottawa initiated a Wildlife Speaker Series to increase residents’ knowledge and appreciation of wildlife, and promote coexistence through understanding and respect.…