Tag: seniors
‘Grandparent’ scam on the rise in Ottawa
The Ottawa Police Service warns against ‘grandparent’ scam responsible for defrauding the elderly out of tens of thousands of dollars this week.
Ontario expands fourth-dose eligibility for COVID-19 vaccine
Starting April 7th, 2022, Ontarians over 60 years of age as well as Inuit and Métis individuals over 18 will be eligible for their fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
March 11 brings liberation to the residents of Wildpine Residence
For the residents and staff of Wildpine Residence, March 11, 2021 marked an important day for all. Yes, it denotes the one year marker for the date on which our uncertain future began. But, for all who live and work at Wildpine…
OPINION: Transformative Culture Change in Long-Term Care Homes: What is it and what does it look like?
The Independent Long-term Care (LTC) COVID-19 Commission has now been established. Terms of Reference have been posted. What can we hope for?
Ottawa Council on Aging offers sage advice for seniors and caregivers
It has been several weeks since our world started shutting down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council on Aging‘s (COA) first response was to provide practical and personal information on…
Stittsville resident plays piano tunes virtually for seniors
(Allan Ryan of Stittsville sits at his piano in his basement music retreat ready to play tunes for seniors and shut-ins through his virtual service. Photo: Allan Ryan) Seniors in…
Stittsville’s Wildpine Residence hosts high tea for community
(Frances de Beaumont, (l) General Manager of Wildpine Residence, pictured with costumed attendees at High Tea. Photo: Sarah Bradley) Wildpine Residence held a High Tea at the Ale Restaurant on…
OCT 25: Information session about Huffing And Puffing Ottawa Seniors Fitness
Huffing And Puffing Ottawa Seniors Fitness Association (HAPO SFA), in conjunction with Ale Amberwood Lounge & Eatery, are Hosting a Coffee & Tea Information Session, to be held @ the…
Firefighters praise quick-thinking staff at retirement residence
(via Ottawa Fire Services) Ottawa Fire Services (OFS) received a call from staff at 6:21 a.m. indicating that there was heavy smoke in a unit of a Retirement Residence. Crews…
JUNE 27: Public consultation on Extendicare long-term care facility
(Notice of Public Consultation) The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) is reviewing the issuance of a licence undertaking to Extendicare (Canada) Inc. (the “Licensee”) for the development of…
NOTEBOOK: Pickleball, putting green part of proposed park plan
Shuffleboard, pickleball, a covered picnic table, a bocce court and a putting green are all part of a “age-friendly” park being proposed for the corner of Stittsville Main Street between…
LINKED: Heartsick couple in their 90s separated by province’s rules
From Bruce Deachman in the Ottawa Citizen: When Nancy Burgoin spoke to a nurse this week following her father’s first full day at Granite Ridge Care Community, a long-term healthcare…
NOTEBOOK: Parking goes underground on Hazeldean
Can you imagine a Hazeldean Road development with more parkland than parking?
SVA hosts talk on “Creating an age-friendly community”
(via Stittsville Village Association) Join us on Thursday, November 17 at 7 PM for the Stittsville Village Association’s annual general meeting. Location: 8B Sweetnam Drive.
LETTER: How a “Huffing And Puffing” program will benefit seniors
ABOVE: Roger Morris wants to use a successful recreation program from London, Ontario as a model for a similar initiative in Ottawa. Until moving to Stittsville, last summer, I was…