Tag: Stittsville Ward 6
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
The weather held out for Councillor Gower’s Family Bike Ride on Sunday – above is a photo of community members who took part.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
This week, Councillor Gower has a reminder that garbage collection takes place one day later than is usual.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
In this week’s update from Councillor Gower, shares the kindness shown from our community to the families who lost their homes in the recent fire on Aridus Crescent and links to donate to support the families effected.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
This week Councillor Gower is seeking volunteers to help out at the various outdoor rinks in a few of our Stittsville parks…
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
Halloween is just around the corner and Councillor Gower is sharing his upcoming Trick or Treat event on October 31, along with some tips from Ottawa Public Health so all the witches and goblins can have a safe Halloween.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
This week, Councillor Gower is passing along information and updates on speed camera recommendations – the school zone locations; small business tax savings…
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
Councillor Gower was on vacation last week and wanted to ensure that on his return the community is updated with this jam-packed list of information…
Update on recreation and cultural programs – facility and park rentals
The City of Ottawa will be cancelling its regular summer recreation and cultural programming and many of its rental agreements due to the current Provincial COVID-19 restrictions. Starting July 6, summer…
COVID-19 has cancellations/closures coming in at a rapid pace – city facilities closed
As the wave of COVID-19 has reached our region, there are several local events including in Ottawa proper that have been cancelled. Stittsville Central will do our utmost to keep…
Public input being sought for Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
The City wants to hear about the community safety and well-being issues that matter most to you and are asking all residents to assist in shaping the new Community Safety…
Gower in better position to represent the interests of Stittsville residents
(Councillor Glen Gower at his Stittsville ward office in the CardelREC-Goulbourn Complex, 1500 Shea Road. Photo: Stittsville Central) At the February 21, 2020 joint meeting of Ottawa’s Finance and Economic Development…
Councillor Gower recommends new speed limit for Maple Grove
A recommendation to reduce the speed limit on Maple Grove from Huntmar Drive to Alon Street has been introduced by Councillor Glen Gower to the Transportation Committee and could be…
Councillor Gower shares his plan to revitalize Stittsville Main Street
Stittsville Main Street is the centre and soul of our community. It links neighbourhoods from north to south and intersects with important east-west routes including Hazeldean Road and the Trans…
Public invited to provide input for the Transportation Master Plan update
The Transportation Master Plan is Ottawa’s blueprint for transportation matters. Over the next few decades, it will guide the planning, funding and implementation of the city’s walking, cycling, transit and…
20 OC Transpo buses on stand-by to supplement the Confederation Line
(R1 buses distinctly identified and amassed at the RCGT Stadium. Photo: City of Ottawa) A back-up plan is in place should the Confederation Line experience another malfunction. OC Transpo has…