Having just completed their 3rd year, the HolliBell Foundation spent 2021 focusing on supporting families and rescues to get affordable spay and neuter services.
The Ottawa Not-for-Profit organization has three main areas they typically focus on:
- Providing affordable spay and neuter clinics.
- Supporting families in times of need to care for their pets.
- Providing emergency and general funding for rescues.
On providing spay and neuter services, co-founder Caroline Hollingworth shares: “This was a HUGE focus for 2021 – not only have we provided affordable spots for close to 360+ pets, but we also secured the SPCA Wellness mobile unit to come to Arnprior to provide affordable spay and neuters to the community. Spending over $35,000 to help give affordable prices this year!”
“In the end – a pet spayed or neutered is one less that can contribute to the overpopulation of pets (especially cats),” says Caroline of focusing the year on seeing the need to help “everyone and anyone” that requires help.
Caroline outlines where one can reach out for help with the spay and neuter of their pets. “The Lanark Leeds & Grenville Spay Neuter Clinic in Brockville has been our main source of support in helping people. This NEW clinic opened for 2021 to provide affordable spay and neuter. Please reach out to them to book your pet. 613-345-7729 OR 613345spay@gmail.com OR visit www.613345spay.ca. They have now opened a SECOND clinic in the Trenton area.” The Hollibell Foundation provides “sponsored” days with the Lanark clinic, which help to reduce costs even more. Follow the Hollibell page on Facebook to stay up to date on when these might occur.

Additionally, the SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Unit is back on the road. After sponsoring the unit in Arnprior, the Hollibell Foundation is working at securing more dates in different communities for 2022. A few facts about the SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services Unit:
- SPCA Mobile Animal Wellness Services was launched in June 2019 as a community outreach initiative to help reduce pet overpopulation.
- The 38-foot trailer, which was made possible because of a grant provided by the Pet Valu family of stores through its Giving Back Project, features two surgical tables.
- One dog can produce as many as 80 puppies in her lifetime and one cat can produce as many as 96 kittens in her lifetime.
- Twenty-seven female cats and twenty-one male cats were spayed and neutered, respectively, at this event, preventing close to an estimated 2,600 potentially unwanted kittens.
- For more information on their mobile services, visit their website. You will also find a great virtual tour of the trailer on that page with additional facts.
On November 24th, the Hollibell Foundation teamed up with the Lanark Leeds & Grenville Spay Neuter Clinic to provide a transport day for those in need. Caroline describes the success of the day: “We had 5 amazing volunteers pick up cats from around the Ottawa area (from owners that have no transportation means and financial restrictions) and put them on a central transport to Brockville. The animals were returned at the end of the day – spayed and neutered and provided with a box of litter and bag of food.”
The Hollibell Foundation is thrilled to announce that – with the help of supporters – they have raised and donated more than $127,000 over the past three years. In their first year, they raised $27,000; in their second, $35,000; and finally, in their third year, they raised more than $65,000. “We limit our expenses so money helps those in need. We do this through our online auctions, signature event Cupcakes for a Cause, Doggie walk a thons (at Sunset Farms in October – $2,965 was raised), Recipes to the Rescue cookbooks, online auctions, in store events, spay and neuter program, etc.” explains Caroline.

“At HolliBell, we don’t feel someone should give up their pet (sometimes their only companion) because they don’t have the ‘financial’ means. Love is free and if they have that for their pet, we want to help. We have been working and building relationships with a variety of groups that support individuals in need, whether financially, transportation, just need a little support – we are trying to help these individuals.”
To continue their work, the Hollibell Foundation needs support from individuals who wish to donate and support their spay and neuter program. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in helping someone in need. The Hollibell Foundation is also looking for businesses or groups who might wish to sponsor them. Your business could be featured at the forefront of providing critical services for families and their pets. If you would like to help sponsor spay and neuter days, reach out by email at hollibellfoundation@gmail.com.