(Angelita & Co. was one of the vendors participating at the August 8, 2021, FUNdraiser in the Park being hosted by the Stittsville Knights of Columbus. The FUNdraisers raise funds each week for various charities in our area. Photo: Joseph Carbonetto)
The FUNdraiser in The Park held on August 8 was another success with over 13 vendors sharing their creations. Two of the popular vendors at the event were Farmina Pet Foods and Angelita & Co. Each vendor doubled their sales compared to the other area markets that they had participated in.
Chrysalis House was the benefactor of over $300.00 in donations from the Stittsville Knights of Columbus! A special donation from our own Dunrobin Distilleries helped to raise the amount of the donation. Plus, an additional $55.00 was donated in the fishbowl and with other online donations, over $400.00 was raised. As with all of the FUNdraisers, a portion of the proceeds is used for the park rental from the City and to provide a pizza lunch to all of the volunteers. Joseph Carbonetto, Grand Knight of the Stittsville Knights of Columbus and organizer for these FUNdraisers said, “Thank you everyone for your generosity again on August 8!”

The FUNdraiser being held this Sunday, August 15 will feature 18 vendors who will be supporting this week’s cause – the Youth Organization for Holy Spirit Parish. The group is hosted by Sean Flynn.
This week’s list of vendors is as follows:
- Allan McCarville- Author
- Bamboo Dudes
- Brendaknits
- Dunrobin Distilleries
- Haicos Hot Sauce
- Jenn&Jenn Shop
- Johannas Herbal Designs
- Just About Right
- Kitcheness
- Kristy’s Naturals
- “Les Savons de Grandmaman”
- Mercedes trashpandagiftco
- MyPlutoDesigns
- Ottawa Painting & Art Wholesales
- PPE Booth- Back to School
- Purely Natural
- Stittsville Strong/Mystery?
- Tupperware

Many of the vendors from previous weeks are returning, such as Dunrobin Distilleries with their thirst-quenching beverages, Haico is bringing his spicy hot sauces, and, local author, Allan McCarville will be selling and signing his books.
Joseph says, “we hope to see you this Sunday, August 15th between 9:00 am – 3:00pm (ish) – or whenever we sell-out.” The capacity will be 100 people at any given time including the vendors, social distancing protocols are to be followed and masks are required, along with COVID-19 safety plans in place. Please enter at the Stittsville Main Street entrance and follow the signs.