(The Stittsville on Patrol production crew (left to right) Ivan Cooke, Christopher Redmond, Adam Bowick, Ben Milks, Susannah Heath-Eves, Nick Lacelle. Photo: SOP website.)
Stittsville has been waiting for Stittsville on Patrol since last September when Stittsville Central brought you the story of a tongue-in-cheek docu-drama that follows an over-zealous neighbourhood watch leader (Simon Bauche), played by none other than our local hero, Benjamin Milks. You know him, the host of the bRian5or6 Show and fervent Ottawa Senators supporter. Stittsville on Patrol was created and directed by our own Christopher Redmond, who actually is a film writer, director and producer of films played at over 100 international festivals. Can’t get any better than that from a Prairie boy!

With the date to showtime quickly approaching, January 14, Stittsville Central asked Christopher for his comments on the production. He was quick to give us his upshot on the series. “If I had to compare it to anything, I’d say it’s like Trailer Park Boys meets Schitt’s Creek meets Paw Patrol. It’s THAT Canadian!”

When asked about expected viewers, Christopher was swift to boast of the global interest, “The population of Stittsville is 42,000 people. So international broadcasters are just waiting to see if we can build an audience of 42,001 to prove we have a wide appeal. Then they’ll jump on board, for sure.”
Redmond has friends who are international trendsetters in the industry so we asked about the trailer and scrutiny received from his friends, “I’m getting a lot of feedback already about just how sexy Ben looks in the trailer. I call it the Tom Cruise effect because people know who was supposed to be in the role. But just wait until you see Ben with his shirt off – people are going to go nuts.” Asked if Ottawa has any play in the show, “It’s a very Stittsville-centric show, but there’s enough Ottawa bashing that anyone can enjoy it.” Better watch out Councillor Gower!
Stittsville Central connected with Benjamin who was feeling a little sorry for himself by telling us, “I did all of my own stunts. Sometimes to my own detriment. For example, they filmed me hanging off an actual flying airplane. When I inevitably fell, I shattered my ankle, but I courageously carried on. The weird part though is that it wasn’t even in the script and it never made it on the show….” Not the Tom Cruise effect he was looking for!

Milks made up for his stunt work with the tremendous support received from the local food truck owners. “My favorite part of filming a TV show? The food trucks. Some of the best food in all of Stittsville, if not the world, are found in those food trucks”.
During filming there was a life or death situation with Milks when Redmond had to come to Benjamin’s rescue, “I’d also like to give a shoutout to director and show runner Christopher Redmond for giving me the Heimlich Maneuver and saving my life after I took a bigger bite than I could chew off from a delicious pulled pork sammy!”
Benjamin’s proudest moment will be, “I really hope my Mother sees this show as I know that she would be so proud of me. She said she’ll try to watch it if she has the time but she’s binging The Crown right now so we’ll have to see”. We’re looking forward to hearing her influential feedback!

There is another cameo star appearance – a certain coffee shop owner from Stittsville who should provide an entertaining moment.
You can catch episodes of Stittsville on Patrol starting Thursday, January 14, 2021, on Bell’s Fibe TV, Channel 1 – well of course it would be #1! The first few episodes will also be posted online via YouTube. Can’t wait! For further info visit Stittsville on Patrol.

Sounds good, can we view it on CBC? We certainly need better policing in the area (;-))
A kind lady says it is also on U-tube. We feel much safer now with these fellas around…(;-))
If you’re ever thinking of a “spin-off” series, how about “CARP ON PATROL”? You may be able to use the DIEFENBUNKER for some of your espionage scenes. We’d all like to see some food trucks in the Carp neighbourhood. Can I suggest: “Carp and Chips”?
I can smell the chips already ~~~