Transit fare freeze approved by Ottawa Council

On July 1, transit riders would have seen an increase to fares. The fares have been postponed until the O-Train Confederation Line light-rail service is up and running.

Ottawa_LRT_Stage 2_Full Map

The approach, scope and timing to review and update the plans that guide how transportation infrastructure will be built in the coming decades was also approved by Council today.

The Transportation Master Plan, currently being updated supports the City’s Official Plan by identifying the transportation infrastructure and services the City needs to serve, the projected future population, and its forecasted travel patterns and modes of transportation. The pedestrian and cycling plans, which are also being reviewed and updated, support the master plan with pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, policies and programs.

City staff are coordinating the writing of the new Official Plan. The Plan will be before Council in 2021 for approval. The Transportation Master Plan work includes an origin-destination survey that will begin in fall 2020 to capture changes in travel behaviour following the opening of the O-Train Confederation Line. Data gathered from the survey will be used to analyze existing transportation demands and forecast future transportation choices, helping develop the transportation network to 2046.

The new transportation plans will come to the Transportation Committee for consideration in spring 2022.


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