Here’s a update from Councillor Shad Qadri after recent resident inquiries about why trees are being cut down on land east of Lloydalex/Echowoods and north of Jackson Trails and the new Potter’s Key subdivision. (The land doesn’t have a municipal address, and is not subject to any active development applications.) Qadri says the owners of the property are not in violation of the Urban Tree Conservation By-law as long as trees being removed do not have a diameter of 10cm or more.

I have recently been contacted by residents in the area regarding some activity they have noticed on the lands within the Ward 21 Urban Expansion Area that is located north of Jackson Trails and Potter’s Key. I am still waiting for additional information with respect to any plans for the property in the future but did want to share the following information with residents.
The property is located in Councillor Scott Moffatt’s ward and both Councillor Moffatt and I are not aware of any development applications that have been submitted for this property. I can advise that this land is identified in the City’s Official Plan as within the urban boundary and is designated “Developing Community Expansion Area”. Therefore, it can be expected that at some time the area of land could be developed.
With respect to the recent tree/brush clearing on the property I can advise that it is private property and the owners do have the rights to undertake work on their property but do have to adhere to the Urban Tree Conservation By-law which does require a permit for any removal of a tree that is 10cm or greater in diameter.
While a significant area of vegetation has been removed, Mark Richardson, Planning Forester with the City has informed me that he hasn’t observed a violation of the Bylaw. The trees were originally removed from the site several years ago before it came into the Urban Boundary and at that time, a tree removal permit was not required because the land was classified as rural. Now that it is within the Urban Boundary, the removal of any tree that is 10cm in diameter or larger at 1.2 meters from the ground would require a tree permit. While on-site, Forestry staff did speak with the contractor and ensured they were aware of the requirements of the Tree Cutting By-Law.
The City has been in touch with the land owner and was informed that they were removing the brush. Mr. Richardson has been on site several times and continues to monitor the activity but so far he has not verified the removal or [sic] any living trees larger than 10cm.
In December 2016 there were some inquiries to my office regarding some clearing that took place and I provided information in my eNewsletter that provides additional information that you can view here.
Given the increase in activity on this site recently I will be working to receive more information from the landowner on their intentions for the property and if I receive any further information I will provide it in my eNewsletter.
In the interim, residents with concerns may contact Mark Richardson at, Councillor Scott Moffatt at, or myself at with any questions.