The City of Ottawa has received a site plan proposal for two new buildings in the Shoppes at Fairwinds shopping area, at 5705 Hazeldean in front of the Food Basics.
The proposal is to add a retail building just north of the existing Shoppers Drug Mart, and a restaurant / drive-thru on the east end of the site along Hazeldean Road.
Here’s a summary of the proposal:
The Shoppes at Fairwinds commenced in 2010 and development has been phased through multiple site plan approvals. The surrounding area includes low-profile residential uses to the north, retail uses to the east and office and industrial uses to the south along Iber Road.
The realigned Hazeldean Creek tributary runs along the southeastern portion of the site adjacent to the proposed Building 2. With the subject site being located along Hazeldean Road, design guidelines for Arterial Mainstreets will be applicable.
Building 1 is approximately 1040 square metres in size and is located at the west end of the site along Huntmar Drive and directly north of an existing Shoppers Drug Mart. The current parking lot configuration will be redesigned in relation to the building.
Landscaping will be added and retained around the parking lot for Building 1. Building 2 is approximately 422 square metres in size and is located at the south-east end of the site adjacent to the realigned Hazeldean Creek and future North-South Arterial from the Fernbank community.
The current concept for Building 2 depicts a drive-through lane on the north side of the building and a patio on the south side. Landscaping will be added and retained around the parking lot, drive-through lane and patio.
The parking requirements for the shopping centre have been exceeded and no new parking spaces are required.
You can send comments about the proposal before June 13 to: Jean-Charles Renaud Planner Development Review, Suburban Services 110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1 613-580-2424, ext. 27629 Fax No.: 613-580-2576 Jean-Charles.Renaud@ottawa.ca