U-Rock Music School wraps up another successful year – virtually!

(U-Rock Music School owners and teachers, Cathy Hallessey and Brian Broderson, appear (virtually) at their 18th Annual Summer Concert finale on June 12, 2021. Photo: captured from the U-Rock YouTube video)

Under the direction of U-Rock Music School teachers and owners, Cathy Hallessey and Brian Brodersen – a talented musical couple in their own right – the students are provided the opportunity to expand on their musical abilities. Through the years, Cathy and Brian have always found a way to give back to the community and provide musical leadership to our Stittsville youth.

U-Rock has proven to be a success in our community and beyond, being recognized recently as Ottawa’s Top Choice Music School of 2021. The school holds open mics and concerts throughout the year giving the kids an opportunity to perform in public and get their names and talents known – a main focus for Cathy and Brian.

(James Hoek took his drum lessons at U-Rock Music School. James received his U-Rock Music School 5-Year Achievement Award in 2021.)

The past year has proven how quickly the school has had to adapt. Going from fan-loving live performances to a virtual environment has not slowed down the lessons nor the performances. The studio was adapted to a COVID free teaching and recording area, with plastic hung between each sound module and full health regulations kept in check. I’m sure it will be one of the most memorable years for Cathy and Brian with everything required to keep their students safe, singing and playing their instruments.

(Tyler Edmund took electric guitar lessons and received his U-Rock Music School 5-Year Achievement Award in 2021.)

The U-Rock school year is coming to a close and time for Cathy and Brian to give out their congratulations to the students for ‘scaling’ through their music lessons online with flying colours.

Cathy told Stittsville Central, “this year we were thrilled to honour four of our students with 5-Year Achievement Awards. Recipients included Ethan Peacock (guitar/drums/vocals), James Hoek (drums), Tyler Edmund (electric guitar), and Jack Bayley (vocals). Congratulations to all!”

Our 18th annual summer concert finale aired on YouTube on Saturday, June 12th, and was a fantastic example of how music soothes the pandemic soul for musicians of all ages and abilities,” Cathy added. If you missed the virtual show, you can watch the talented students of U-Rock here.

The school has opened registration for its 6 week sunny summer lessons that begin on July 6, along with their Fall and Winter 2021-22 lessons. For more information and to register (classes are filling up) visit www.u-rockschool.com.

We can hardly wait to see what U-Rock Music School has planned as they celebrate their 25th year of sharing their professional teaching talents with the youth and bringing the music to Stittsville. Stittsville Central wishes U-Rock and the students all the best in another year of music!


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