(Above: Artist rendering of the gas station as viewed from Hazeldean Road.)
The City has received a site plan application to build a gas station on the vacant lot at the corner of Hazeldean and Hartin, at 5943 Hazeldean Road. The development would include a corner store, car wash, and other commercial buildings.
Architectural drawings show an Ultramar gas station, along with a Country Style donut shop and Ultramar Corner Store, similar to the gas station at the corner of Huntmar and Palladium. (The planning documents also reference a Quickie convenience store.)
This plan for a gas station at the corner of hartin and hazeldean should be aborted immediately
This was not presented prior to the purchasing of the Brigil homes on Hartin and Loreka court thus not being fair advanced notice to those who have already purchased a home
Nor is this rezoning fair to long time residents of hartin street who will see incredibly increased traffic, noise, pollution, and safety concerns given the increased vehicle traffic
This location will cause residents to lose considerable value on their homes which is also not fair or correct, especially when there is an unused gas station just across the street which ultramar could easily rectify any contaminated soil with the billions in profits they make each year
The residents are totally against this terrible planning and rezoning of this piece of land
This needs to be charged.
I agree with David Keenan. There is a service station site across Hazledean Road . How many service station sites constitute good planning? I live at 8 Hartin Street and Cars turning left onto Hartin Street at night the lights will shine directly in our front window