UPDATE: City extends street name suggestion deadline to August 12

Several readers received emails today from Rebecca Anderson of the City’s Building Code Services department, alerting them to the fact that the City will be re-opening the consultation process for new Stittsville street names.

“Given the feedback we have received, I have agreed to reopen the discussion and allow another opportunity for residents to provide more suggestions for potential street names,” she wrote.

Residents will have until August 12 to submit name suggestions, but they’ll have to meet the City’s street naming criteria.

Councillor Shad Qadri sent this update via email to residents later this afternoon:

I want to thank all of you who have provided feedback on the street re-naming process being undertaken for Bell, Elm, Goulbourn, Meadowlands and Long Meadow Way.  I hope that you can appreciate this is a difficult process and that I too would prefer the names to remain the same as they have been long standing names in our community.

Unfortunately we must understand the reality that these changes must be done and that one of the main reasons for the change is due to safety concerns expressed by Emergency Services as similar names could result in staff being allocated to the wrong address.  There was consideration made as to which street in the City would be required to be changed and the City reviewed a number of factors when deciding which street to re-name, the comparison can be seen here.

Given the feedback we have received, Rebecca Anderson in Building Code Services and I have agreed to re-open the discussion and allow another opportunity for residents to provide more suggestions for potential street names.  I want to stress that this situation is not being taken lightly by the City and that I am very pleased that Rebecca Anderson is willing to re-open the item and allow for more suggestions to be considered.  I do request that residents please remember to be respectful of City staff and understand that they are here to work with us on this matter.

  • It’s important to note that names must be vetted through the City and that is why you may not have seen some of your previous suggestions provided as options.  You can view the names that have already been suggested and vetted here.   
  • In making your suggestions it is useful to review the City’s website regarding Street Name Changes which also includes the Criteria for Street Naming, please visitwww.ottawa.ca/streetnames .
  • I also encourage you to visit Geo Ottawa as you will be able to determine if a street name already exists http://maps.ottawa.ca/geoOttawa/ .
  • Residents do also have the opportunity to submit a commemorative names through the City’s Commemorative Naming process .

In the first round of street name suggestions the City did receive commemorative naming applications, some of which passed the City’s vetting process and could be suitable for use.  As two of the names were submitted for the same street I was concerned that this could create tension between the families if both names were provided as options and therefore did not provide any of the commemorative names as options.  That being said, I have been in contact with some of the families to further discuss their applications and at this time I do hope to provide them as options in the next round of request for feedback for names.

Next Steps

  • Please direct your suggested street names to Rebecca Anderson by August 12, 2016 via email to Rebecca.Anderson@ottawa.ca and you may also send it to my email atShad.Qadri@ottawa.ca .  Alternatively you can also mail your recommendations to Rebecca Anderson, City of Ottawa, 3rd Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive (04-11), Ottawa, ON  K2G 5K7.
  • Residents will received mailed letters in September seeking their feedback on another round of names.
  • Final decision to be made by the end of 2017.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact myself and Rebecca Anderson at Rebecca.Anderson@ottawa.ca .  Affected residents on these streets being re-named will also receive this information and a letter from the City in the mail.


1 thought on “UPDATE: City extends street name suggestion deadline to August 12”

  1. Not sure that re-opening the process is going to change anything.

    There were names that passed the vetting process (I alone had 5 of them), yet they weren’t even considered.

    Instead we had to decide between “Mitig” (not even submitted by a resident), and “Sugar Shack”.

    Not sure what reopening the process is going to accomplish, if City Hall is going to ignore our suggestions and use their own.

    If we live on the streets affected, why are WE not allowed to select OUR OWN NAMES (as long as they pass the vetting criteria) ?????

    I thought this was democracy.

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