(From the City of Ottawa.)
The 2013 Wildlife Strategy identified the need to update and revise the City’s current wildlife construction protocol, previously approved by the former Region of Ottawa-Carleton, prior to amalgamation.
During summer, 2014, City staff consulted with key stakeholders to obtain their feedback on what changes are needed to the protocol. These stakeholders include:
- Regulatory agencies
- Wildlife experts
- Representatives from the development industry, and
- Environmental consultants
Comments were received from the Canadian Wildlife Service (Environment Canada), the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre and the Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.
Have your say on the new draft before February 8, 2015
As a result of the comments received and staff review, a revised draft protocol is now available for public review and feedback.
The new draft protocol addresses sensitive timing windows for clearing, pre-stressing, site clearing, construction site management, wildlife encounters, and wildlife-proofing. It also provides guidance to developers on how they can help reduce post-construction conflicts between residents and wildlife, using wildlife-proofing measures and owner awareness packages.
Under this protocol, all plans of subdivision, site plans, and plans of condominium that could impact areas of wildlife habitat will be required to prepare a Wildlife Mitigation Plan as a condition of approval. The Wildlife Mitigation Plan will demonstrate how potential impacts to wildlife will be avoided or reduced.
Comments and suggestions regarding the revised draft protocol should be submitted no later than February 8, 2015.
In 2015, staff will recommend the final wildlife construction protocol to Planning Committee and City Council. Once approved, the protocol will be implemented as part of the City’s development review process.
Please send your questions and feedback to:
Amy MacPherson, Planner II
Planning and Growth Management
613-580-2424 ext. 14873
E-mail: amy.macpherson@ottawa.ca
Related links:
For more information about the Wildlife Strategy recommendation, or the current wildlife construction protocol, please consult the following links:
Wildlife Strategy (Section 6 – Wildlife Construction Protocol)
Region of Ottawa-Carleton Construction Protocol for Wildlife