A big welcome to Jordan Mady, who will be working part-time this summer as StittsvilleCentral.ca’s reporter.

Jordan is 21 years old and is heading into his fourth and final year in Ryerson’s journalism school this fall. He grew up in Stittsville and attended South Carleton High School.
“What I like about Stittsville is that you can still drive down the main drag and see the buildings that have been there forever,” he says. “You know where the heart of the town is.”
Jordan’s position is partially funded via contributions to our crowdfunding campaign earlier this year, as well as ongoing fundraising efforts and advertising from local businesses. So a big thank you to our readers for your ongoing support!
One thing you should know about Jordan is that he is a big hockey fan. He hosts a video blog about the Sens and regularly writes about the team as well.
Jordan has already written one piece for us — a profile of Stittsville resident George Escher — and is ready to get going and share more interesting stories about the people, businesses and issues in our community. You can reach him by email at jordan@stittsvillecentral.ca.
Welcome to our team Jordan!