(via West Ottawa Ladies Chorus)
Get your voice out of the bathroom and automobile and bring it to a music rehearsal. The West Ottawa Ladies Chorus is having Open House Rehearsals. You can experience how a director brings out the best in each voice, hear what the chorus sounds like when learning new pieces and join in to try a little singing yourself or sit back and listen. This is a chance to meet others who love to sing and mingle. Among laughs and hugs witness how these 34 ladies of all ages put it all together.
Anyone who has not yet fulfilled their New Year’s resolution to get back to singing should take advantage of this opportunity. Open rehearsals will be held in Kanata on the following two Sundays, Feb. 21st and 28th at 2-4 pm at The Empress Retirement Home, 170 McGibbon Dr, Kanata as well as on the following two Wednesdays Feb. 24th and March 2nd at 1:30-3:00 pm at the Kanata Baptist Church, 465 Hazeldean Road.
Check the chorus out on Facebook or YouTube but most of all join us for a work-hard fun-packed afternoon. This is an opportunity for prospective experienced singers to join one or more open house rehearsals and have fun sight reading through some of the repertoire. The chorus is under the direction of Robert Dueck with Peter Brown as accompanist.
For more information, or to register your attendance, please email the music director at ladieschorus@bell.net. So choose an afternoon or two, come along and give it a go. We look forward to singing with you.