Norah Kinny and Jack William present their donation to Andy Parent from Big Sky Ranch. Photos via Marriam Kinny
Grade 6 students at Westwind Public School are doing some great things in their final year at the school.
Students were asked to pick a charity as part of “The Nobody Project” and help raise awareness for the charity in the form of donations, volunteer time or whatever the charity needed.
Two of the students, Norah Kinny & Jack William, selected Big Sky Ranch Animal Sanctuary in Kemptville since they are both lovers of animals. Though the humane society was also a choice they selected Big Sky Ranch because true to the project, it is not as well known.
They visited the ranch, spoke with the owner and held a fundraiser in the Glebe during the Great Glebe Garage Sale. So in addition to raising awareness in our own community of Stittsville, they leveraged a popular event to spread the word and raise awareness across the city.
The pair raised $695 by selling lemonade, coffee, muffins, dog biscuits and grilled cheese sandwiches that they made themselves. They presented their donation to Big Sky last Saturday.