Barbie has proven to be all the rage. Since the movie ‘Barbie’ was released on July 21st, a mania for everything Barbie has taken over – including at the Stittsville Library. Many of you know Nicki who greets you at the Reception Desk or assists you with finding your next great title to read – well Barbie touched her world as well. When a child, Nicki collected several Barbie dolls and has brought her collection into the Library to share in their display case. Nicki loved her dolls and you’ll notice that some had beautiful homemade outfits appropriate for Nicki’s adventure of the day when dreamily playing with her Barbie dolls. We encourage everyone to visit the Library to see Nicki’s collection of Barbie dolls and the wonderful outfits.

Introduction to Virtual Reality and CoSpaces will take place on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 2:00pm. Apart of our Teen Staycation series, teens can join uOttawa Maker Mobile and learn how to create a 3D world using the online software CoSpaces. You will create and code a roller coaster to move along a path. Technology will be provided. For ages 13-18. Registration is required.

TD Summer Reading Club – The Stittsville Library has been busy hosting all our free programs for the TD Summer Reading Club – programs will be still going on until August 10th. Children who show their booklet to the reception desk are entered into our weekly draw and five lucky kids get a phone call or email letting them know they have won. All our programs have been so successful and well attended – thank you to everyone for joining us and participating!

SRC Closing Ceremony Wednesday August 9, 2023 at 2:00pm – Join the Stittsville branch for the TD Summer Reading Club 2023 wrap-up! Fun activities, marvelous crafts and exciting games. All ages are welcome. Registration for this program is not required!
Reading Recommendations from the Stittsville Branch – The Stittsville Branch would like to recommend the following Canadian titles this summer. Items are available in the catalogue to place a hold and clients will receive an email or phone call letting them know that it is ready for pick up! Below is a list of incredible books by Canadian authors.

Best Hikes: Ottawa-Gatineau by Kickie Lanthier – The city of Ottawa and its surrounding area has an abundance of trails to soothe your inner soul for all the nature lovers out there. Best Hikes: Ottawa-Gatineau is a new resource for local hikers with detailed trail reports and trail maps, providing the best of the best when it comes to hiking in the National Capital Region. What we like about this book is that each trail comes with its land acknowledgements are noted for each trail – as hikers and stewards of the land, it allows us to understand our surroundings and the stories they tell. Available in print: Best Hikes: Ottawa-Gatineau | Ottawa Public Library | Bibliocommons

Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling – America, 2049: Summer temperatures are intolerably high, the fossil fuel industry has shut down, and humans are implanted with a ‘Flick’ at birth, which allows them to remain perpetually online. In this sci-fi dystopian novel, our world is rapidly running out of resources and those left in it have no choice but to scratch and claw their way towards survival. The haven in question is known as Camp Zero, a settlement in Northern Canada, which has managed to remain standing despite the worldwide oil shortages and dying climate. Rose, a Korean immigrant, agrees to travel to the Camp in exchange for her mother’s protection. Available in print, ebook and downloadable audiobook: Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling | Ottawa Public Library | Bibliocommons

On the Trapline by David A. Robertson, Julie Flett (Illustrator) – In this children’s picture book, a boy and Moshom, his grandpa, take a trip together to visit a place of great meaning to Moshom. A trapline is where people hunt and live off the land, and it was where Moshom grew up. This is a heartfelt story about memory, imagination and intergenerational connection that perfectly captures the experience of a young child’s wonder as he is introduced to places and stories that hold meaning for his family. Available in print and ebook: On the Trapline | Ottawa Public Library | Bibliocommons
Placing Holds on Items That Aren’t Books! Did you know that you can place holds for pick up for items that are not books? These items can be picked up at the Stittsville Library and requested from other branches. The library offers an array of items that are useful for everyday use, home renovations and adventure.

The Telescope is an Orion Starblast 4.5 Reflector Telescope – it is a fully functioning telescope, designed with the beginning astronomer in mind. This item does belong to the Stittsville branch, so it is very important to only return it to this location. Place a hold today and spend your evenings looking at the stars.
Would you like to check the air quality in your home? Place a hold on one of our CO2 monitors – a battery-powered CO2 sensor with e-ink display. The device also measures temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Includes a quick start guide, and user manual.
With the high cost of electricity this winter, the OPL is offering a valuable tool allowing consumers to monitor their electricity consumption and make smart energy choices. The Kill A Watt tool allows consumers to monitor their electricity consumption and make smarter energy choices! A thermal camera with a 3.2″ touchscreen displaying wide angle images, it allows you to take videos of thermal imagery or visible light. Measures range of temperature between -30°C ~ 1000°C (-22°F ~ 1832°F). The thermal imaging camera detects temperature differences and patterns on a wall, a wet area and the surrounding dry areas can indicate the presence of moisture that would not be visible during a home inspection

Value Line Online Resource – Value Line is the perfect tool for people who are looking to strengthen their financial literacy. Are you interested in stocks and investing? This online resource will answer your most frequently asked questions while giving you access to over 3,500 stocks across 100 industries. This includes analysts’ reports, statistics and forecasts of stock performance. This online resource also provides instructional how-to videos, glossary terms and more.
Customers accessing Value Line from outside a library branch will have to enter a Barcode number (Your library card barcode number) to sign into Value Line
Notice: This product is limited to 6 simultaneous users. If you have trouble logging on you may wish to try again later.

Library Summer Hours – Just a friendly reminder that Sunday hours will be paused for the months of July and August – the library will be closed on Sundays and will return in September. Summer holiday closures includes August 2 (Colonel By Day), and September 6 (Labour Day).
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask at the Reception Desk the next time you visit the Stittsville Library. You can also visit the Library website for our hours of operation, to access online resources, browse books, search programs and events, apply for a library card, and more!