What’s new at the Stittsville Library?

Summer Reading Club
The Stittsville Branch is in full swing, the library is bustling, and all the programs in-branch have been well attended. The Summer Reading Club is ending, but the fun does not stop there. All children who have tracked their reading log using the Calendar Reading log can use the ballot at the bottom of the page to enter one more draw. Each library branch is giving out a grand prize of a year-long magazine subscription to be mailed to their residence each month. To enter this draw, deliver your child’s completed ballot to any branch or bookmobile between August 21 and 27, 2023. So, until then, keep reading and keep having fun!

OPL Programs
The Magic of Michael Bourada will take place on Friday August 18, 2023, at 2:00pm (50 minutes). Would you like to enjoy library programs without leaving the comfort of your home? All you need is internet access and to register online – all online programs are done through Zoom. Celebrate the end of RD Summer Reading Club with an online magic show! Prepare to take off into the world of virtual magic and illusion where you will become a part of the amazing magic in an all-new interactive way. This program is
for a younger audience. Registration is required.

Welcome to Writing Program – Getting Published will take place on Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 1:30pm (60 minutes). Getting Published with John W. Partington. Most writers want to eventually get published. This workshop will provide examples of the five typical routes to publishing, their strengths and pitfalls, and practical application of theory. This program will take place in-person and is for Adults. Registration is required.

Awesome Authors Seeks Awesome Illustrators
Calling all artists and illustrators!
The Ottawa Public Library will be publishing Pot-Pourri this fall – an anthology of all the winning short stories, poems and comics from our Awesome Authors Youth Writing Contest. We are looking for a talented young artist to design a cover for this year’s edition of the book.

We will be accepting submissions via a form or in-person at your local branch until August 20th, 2023. For full contest details, please click here! The winning draw will be used for the cover of Pot-Pourri 2023, and they will be credited for the cover design. The winner will also win a copy of the book. How cool is that? Good luck to all participants!

Back to School Recommendations
While it still may be summer, August is here, which means it is time to get ready for back to school! Check out these book recommendations from Stittsville Branch’s children programmer, Ms. Kristal. The books on this list are a compilation of picture books to get your children ready for their first day of school. Visit the library and staff at the service hub can help you find books to help set your children at ease. It is recommended to place these books on hold if they are not available – clients will receive an email notification once it becomes available.

New Mobile Printing Service
Do you need to print something but do not have a printer? OPL is happy to announce a new mobile printing service. With mobile printing, clients can upload a variety of file types (.xlsx, .docx, .PDF, .png, .jpg) to the cloud and release them at any branch within OPL via the Print Release Station. Save yourself some time by uploading it before arriving! Clients with a valid library card can upload files from any device: their personal device(s), a Chromebox catalogue, a public lending Chromebook or a public internet PC. Please note that data retention is set to 7 days – documents will be removed after then. Clients can load money onto their card at a staff hub or by adding funds to their Smart Pay via Add Print/Copy Funds.

Need access to a computer? OPL provides computer workstations at all 33 branches – the Stittsville Branch has six public PCs with one having accessible features. Printing is provided at all locations for 10 cents a page and printing is available in only black and white. Do you need to scan documents? The Stittsville Branch has two scanners – one HP flatbed scanner and a multifunction MFD Kyocera machine which can scan a document to your USB key.

LinkedIn Learning Online Resource
LinkedIn Learning for Library
is the perfect resource for those who are looking to strengthen their career skills. It is an upgrade to the previous Lynda Library product, providing continued lifelong learning opportunities for all of you. There are over 16,000 video tutorial courses led by experts in Business, Creative, and Technology. Some tutorials are available in English, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Some courses include: Microsoft Excel, Quickbooks, Python and more.

Library Summer Hours – Just a friendly reminder that Sunday hours will be paused for the months of July and August – the library will be closed on Sundays and will return in September. The next summer holiday closure will be on September 6 (Labour Day).

Questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask at the Reception Desk the next time you visit the Stittsville Library. You can also visit the Library website.


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