(St. John’s Ambulance therapy dog Caileigh, an Irish Setter, and her owner Christine Phillips provide comfort to many patients at The Ottawa Hospital and are bringing that comfort to children when reading at the Stittsville Library.)
Many new programs are now available at the Stittsville branch. Some children are very comfortable reading to dogs and enjoy reading with Caileigh, a St. John’s Ambulance therapy dog. Registration for this opportunity is available at the Stittsville Branch only.
Children’s programs include a bilingual Family Story/Contes en famille and English Babytime.
Do you like to paint, knit, crochet, or do handwork of some sort? Bring any project that you are working on and join like-minded individuals for an enjoyable afternoon of crafting. Adults can join in for Crafternoon or three programs presented in partnership with Eco West Enders and a Creative Writing Group. Registration for any of these programs is online.
Did you know you can access Ancestry.ca on library computers? It’s a great way to explore your heritage without a paid subscription. Ask the staff at the Reception desk for more information.
You can also view upcoming programs at the Stittsville Library through the website here, or contacting the Library by email at stittsville@biblioottawalibrary.ca or calling 613-580-2940.