Winner of pizza dinner announced – Knights of Columbus 12249 Holy Spirit Parish

(Pictured from left to right, are Natasha Rohani, Owner JoJo’s Stittsville, Landon Matesz, Winner, and David Hatch, Christmas Tree Director, Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus Parish, Stittsville.)

The Knights of Columbus Holy Spirit Parish is pleased to announce the winner of our Christmas Tree draw for a Pizza Dinner!

The Knights sold Christmas Trees from December 1 to the 15th at the Church and sold out! Each person that bought a tree opted in to complete a ballot for a chance to win the Pizza Dinner compliments of JoJo’s Pizza.

The winner of the $50.00 dinner prize is Landon Matesz of Stittsville!

Many thanks to Natasha Rohani, Owner of JoJo’s Pizza in Stittsville for their support and donation of the dinner prize. The Knights of Columbus can always count on JoJo’s as a huge community supporter of Stittsville and our local charities!

All proceeds from the Christmas Tree sales will go to local charities.

Knights of Columbus volunteer David Hatch, with one of the 8-foot balsam firs for sale.
Knights of Columbus volunteer David Hatch, with one of the 8-foot balsam firs for sale.



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