You will be reimbursed says City after billing error

Recreation facilities have been closed since March due to COVID-19 and membership fees were suspended for recreation members. In a press release today from Dan Brisebois, the A/General Manager of Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, the City said that on August 4, “an error in payment processing occurred”.

Recreation members were charged for 4 months of fees – April, May, June and July – to individual credit cards. If you are one of the approximately 2,000 members who found these charges on your card, rest assured you will be reimbursed over the next few days.

But, it is not as easy as that. To process the refunds, members just be withdrawn from their memberships. To reactivate and answer any questions, recreation staff will be available to assist members at your local recreation facility – the CARDELRec Complex – Goulbourn for Stittsville residents.

For those members, who have registered their email address with the City, an email was sent out apologizing for the error and advising of the next steps. Client service representatives and those working at 3-1-1 have also been advised so staff can assist callers.


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