Saturday is the final advance vote day for the 2014 municipal election

(Press release from the City of Ottawa.)

The final advance vote day for the upcoming municipal election is Saturday, October 18, when the advance voting places in all 23 wards will be open between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Electors can find their voting places for the final advance vote day, as well as for the October 27 Voting Day, on their voter notification letter, or by using the “Where Do I Vote?” search tool on

When going to the voting place, residents are reminded to bring one piece of original identification that shows proof of name and a qualifying Ottawa address. A list of acceptable forms of identification can be found at

For more voting information, visit Also, follow Ottawa Elections 2014 on Twitter at @ottawavote and download our free mobile app available in the Apple App Store, Blackberry App World, and Google Play.

By the numbers: Quick facts about Final Advance Vote Day  

  • Polls open on Saturday, October 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • 114 voting locations
  • Six command centres

Numbers of Staff:

  • 435 staff at voting locations
  • 175 command centre staff, including returns staff and drivers
  • 32 staff at the Election Call Centre at City Hall (for the public)
  • 27 staff at the Elections Office Call Centre (for election workers)

A total of 20,855 electors made their mark on the first traditional advance vote day, which was held on Thursday, October 9.

To date, combining the special advance voting days on October 1 to 3 and the first traditional advance vote day on October 9, a total of 28,444 electors have voted.


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