Are you ready for the next emergency?

The City of Ottawa actively plans for 30 different types of emergencies and disasters. Their goal is to be ready, ready to protect and preserve life, infrastructure and property.

Members of the new Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee at the City of Ottawa, formed at the start of this Term of Council, take emergency preparedness very seriously. It has been Councillor Riley Brockington’s objective to raise public awareness about the seriousness of being ready to respond and survive following a significant emergency and/or disaster.

It’s never too late to start preparing, and the City of Ottawa’s Office of Emergency Management is here to help! There are three simple steps to follow:

  1. Know the risks. Ottawa is a large city, prone to different hazards. It is important to know the risks in your area, which could include flooding and power outages, among others.
  1. Make a plan. During an emergency, it can be difficult to think clearly. Having an emergency plan will help you to remain calm and focused. You may be without power for an extended period, or you may be asked to evacuate your home. Your plan should include:
    • an emergency meeting place, like a relative’s or friend’s home in a different part of the city.
    • a list of emergency contacts.
    • any additional health needs (e.g., a list of prescriptions).
    • options for your pets.
  1. Prepare an emergency kit. An emergency kit contains the supplies you need to sustain yourself for at least 72 hours. The following types of kits are recommended:
  • A basic grab-and-go kit thatshould contain water (at least two liters per person per day), lighter forms of non-perishable foods (e.g., energy bars), a flashlight, a small portable charger power bank, small amounts of cash, and copies of important papers (identification).
  • A shelter-in-place/evacuation kit that is basically a larger grab-and-go kit – it should contain two additional liters of water per person per day, enough non-perishable food for several days, a first aid kit, bedding, clothing, and additional portable charger power banks or a portable generator.
  • A vehicle kit that can be kept in your vehicle. It should contain items such as a blanket, flashlight, first aid kit, non-perishable food and water.

Make sure to practice your plan!  Please also consider people in your neighborhood who may need your help, such as those living alone.

For more information on emergency preparedness, including checklists, visit or email


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