COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

Keeping you informed, some updates from Councillor Gower for this week includes his response to the question asked of him by many residents – Where do you stand on fare-free transit? He provides an update on the availability of 4th COVID-19 vaccine doses; the amazing support of Welcoming Ottawa Ambassador Award recipient Shiva Yan to Haidy Mostafa and her family. The Company of Fools are returning to Alexander Grove Park on July 29th after a two-year hiatus. Did you know that the Friendship Club has many programs for older adults here in Stittsville? Find out more below.

NOTEBOOK: Where I stand on fare-free transit
Several residents have asked where I stand on the question of free fares for OC Transpo.

I don’t support universal fare-free transit. However, I do support the elimination of transit fares for youth under 18, seniors, and targeted fare discounts for low-income earners and for the general population on certain days, events, or routes.

Based on studies from other cities, most transit riders say that more reliability and better frequency of service is more important to them than a discounted ride. I suspect that’s true for most Stittsville residents as well.

There are lower-cost opportunities to boost ridership through targeted fare discounts. For example, extending free ridership to children and youth, or discounting fares on weekends when there is extra capacity on the buses.  There is already some work underway on pilots such as these to measure their impact on ridership. (Also: Seniors in Ottawa can ride free on transit Wednesdays and Sundays.). Read more on my web site…

Update from Ottawa Public Health on fourth doses
Ottawa Public Health is increasing operations at community clinics, mobile clinics and neighbourhood hubs to respond to the provincial announcement regarding expanded availability of a fourth dose (second booster) of the COVID-19 vaccine to individuals aged 18 and over. Read more…

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Haidy Mostafa & Shiva Yan
The conviction that we belong to one human family is at the heart of the Bahá’í faith. When Haidy Mostafa and her family found themselves in a very dire situation, it was Shiva Yan who embodied that conviction. Read more…

Company of Fools presents The Tempest
After two long years, a Company of Fools returns with its Torchlight Shakespeare in the park Summer Tour. This summer a Company of Fools presents The Tempest, touring to over 40 local parks throughout Ottawa and beyond. A stellar cast of Fools both new and old, with a few puppets thrown in for good measure, plays 13 different roles to tell one of Shakespeare’s most magical stories. The ideal summer evening experience for the entire family, bring your picnics, your lawn chairs, and even your dog!
WHEN: Friday, July 29, 2022 at 7:00pm
WHERE: Alexander Grove (near Johnny Leroux Arena on Warner-Colpitts Lane)
COST: Pay-what-you-can with a suggested donation of $20 per person.
More info:

Stittsville Friendship Club updates
Established in 1982, the Friendship Club provides recreation and social activities older adults in our community.

  • Exercise Class: Exercise classes are held every Wednesday in a virtual environment. Contact Gail Gutri 613-831-2496
  • Shuffle Board: Shuffleboard is held every Tuesday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm between September and May at Johnny Leroux Arena. Contact Ghislain Pelletier 613-257-1679.
  • Bridge Club: Every Friday during July and August from 12:30 to 3:30 pm at Goulbourn Town Hall on Huntley Road. in September we move back to Johnny Leroux Arena. Contact Jocelyne Sauve 613-836-3060 or Anne Williams 613-839-2107
    Euchre: Every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the Stittsville Legion. Contact Carole Brown 613-836-5520.
  • Luncheons and Music: Our Luncheons are starting up again on September 28. Contact Vivian Haley 613-836-4435 or Lynette Featherstone 613-831-0253.

Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. You can also message us on WhatsApp at 613-277-0193. – Councillor Glen Gower


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