LEGION: Comedy night planned for May 21

On Sunday, May 1st the next monthly breakfast will take place. This is a great time for the family to enjoy a delicious breakfast for only $6.00 per person. Open to the entire community.
On Saturday, May 21st a “Comedy Night” will be held at the Stittsville Legion starting at 8 p.m. at a cost of $12.00 per person.  A light lunch will follow.

Post-secondary education bursary forms are now available at the Stittsville Legion Hall. Please note that a family military back-ground is compulsory. The deadline for submission of the application form is April 30th.

On Friday, April 15th Barb Forbes will be serving Sheppard’s Pie starting at 6 p.m. come and enjoy.

On Sunday, April 17th the Legion will host a “Paintnite” starting at 2 p.m. The cost will be $35.00 per person which includes all the art supplies you will need to paint and go home with an original piece of art. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time and you MUST sign up and pay one week prior to make sure you get a spot for this afternoon of great fun. For more information contact Ellen at ellenjohnston56@hotmail.com or the Legion at 613-836-1632. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend.

Euchre hosted by the Legion’s 55 Plus Club is played every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street. Everyone is welcome to participate.

An “OPEN MIKE” and SING A LONG” with Bill Martin is held every Friday starting at 8 p.m. in the downstairs lounge at the Legion Hall. Come and enjoy some Country and some Rock n Roll music. Everyone is welcome to attend, there is NO cover charge.

The knitting/crochet clubs meets at the Legion Hall every Monday at 6:30 p.m. except for holidays. Anyone interested is welcome to come join in, There are free lessons available for anyone interested in learning to crochet and/or knit and read patterns. The group will continue to support local hospitals by making baby bonnets and pic line covers. Everyone is welcome. For more information , please e-mail interested@stittsvillelegion.com Anyone who has extra wool and they would like to donate for use by these knitting/crochet club members can drop the wool off at the Legion Hall.

Hosted by the Legion’s 55 Plus Club is played every Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Euchre is open to everyone in the community. On April 5: Dianne Straton had the most lone hands. Marion Argue had the ladies high score with Dorita Bush placing second. Henry Albert had the men’s high score with Wayne Pilon coming in second. low score was won by Robert Belanger with the hidden score won by David Argue.


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