The City is seeking feedback from residents on the proposed plan for the new park to be located in the Porter Place development. William Bradley Park is a new .34 hectares accessible park on gently rolling terrain located on Porter Street in Stittsville.
The park includes active and passive play areas, swings, and an asphalt pathway loop with seating and bicycle parking. There are 2 options for active play for the community to choose from: a children’s play structure; or an adult fitness area. An existing vegetative buffer along the southeast of the property complements generous tree planting for shade and visual buffering. The name for this park was recommend by a member of the community and was approved through the City’s Commemorative Naming Program, for more information on William Bradley please visit here.

Full-resolution PDFs are available here:
- William Bradley Park Concept Plan Option A: Children’s Play Structure
- William Bradley Park Concept Plan Option B: Adult Fitness Area
- Park Images Option A & B
The City is encouraging residents to provide their feedback on the proposed plans to:
- Councillor Shad Qadri at or 613-580-2476
- City Planner Jennifer Shepherd at or 613-580-2424 ext 13771
For more information, residents are invited to attend the upcoming Stittsville Parks Information Session on February 8th with an Open House from 6:30-8:45pm including a Presentation at 7pm in Hall A at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex at 1500 Shea Road in Stittsville.
Following the public meeting, the plans will be posted on the City’s website in bilingual and accessible formats and an official deadline for the comments will be set.