COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

With the busy weekend behind Councillor Gower, he is preparing for the upcoming week and shares community information on some important issues. The ongoing school bus situation and the removal of flex stakes on roadways. He provides an update on the October 12th Transit Commission meeting. You can read about the Silas Bradley Park play equipment and some upcoming volunteer opportunities. Importantly, he advises about the traffic study performed in September and the outcome for the Stittsville Main and Brae Crescent intersection.

School buses and school safety
The OSTA school bus shortage continues. Although some routes have been restored, there are still a significant number of students in Stittsville who do not have a bus to school. (You can apply to be a bus operator at

As a result, we’re still seeing a high volume of vehicles near schools during drop-off and pick-up. A reminder to all parents to please respect the no-parking and no-stopping signage. These signs are in place to ensure the safety of kids and pedestrians. If you can, park a few blocks away from school and walk the remaining distance.

A reminder that we’ve shared a list of school drop-off and pick-up times, to make it easier for residents to avoid school zones during the busiest times.

Thank you for your co-operation!

(Related on road safety: City crews will be removing flex stakes over the next few weeks to prepare for winter snow clearing. Please follow posted speed limits to help keep our community safe.)

Recap of Transit Commission on October 12, 2023
Lots of updates from our monthly Transit Commission meeting, held last week at City Hall. We received the most detailed and comprehensive review to date on the axle bearing issue on light rail trains, along with reports on recent incidents with lightning and freezing rain. Also, September’s ridership was the highest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic with 6.4 million customer trips in September, up over 8% since 2022. More info…

Silas Bradley Park
The play structure at Silas Bradley Park is now open! This park is quickly become a popular place for the Edenwylde neighbourhood. It’s located at 910 Orvieto Way near Edenwylde Drive, and includes a large play area for kids, a soccer field, a hockey rink, and a future basketball court.

Volunteer opportunities

  • The Eco West Enders are planting 100 trees this weekend and need your help! They will be starting at 9:00am on Saturday, October 21 on Sweetnam Drive. If they get enough volunteers it should only take a couple of hours. Please contact Karen Swerdfeger for details:
  • Volunteers are needed to help with the neighbourhood skating rink at Trustee M. Curry Park on Hartsmere Drive. For more information, please email my office at All of Stittsville’s outdoor rinks are run 100% by community volunteers.
  • For more opportunities, sign up to our Volunteer Connect newsletter, and get notified about volunteer activities in Stittsville.

UPDATE: Stittsville Main & Brae intersection
Back in the summer, we asked City staff to evaluate the intersection of Stittsville Main Street and Brae Street to see if it qualifies for a traffic signal. We’ve received the results, and unfortunately they’re not what we were hoping for. Read more…

Get in touch!
If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. Please call 3-1-1 if you require immediate assistance. – Councillor Glen Gower


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