COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

This week, Councillor Gower has heard your concerns about speeding in Stittsville and addresses this issue. He also is seeking your feedback on the proposed design and playground equipment for the new Maize Park to be located east of Maple Grove Road.

Speeding in our community
Over the past two weeks we’ve seen an uptick in emails from residents with concerns about speeding in our community.

Speeding in our residential communities is dangerous. The chart below from the World Health Organization shows that the lower the speed, the greater the chance of survival if a pedestrian is struck.  Here are two things that you can do to help:

  • Make a point to drive the limit. Be conscious of your driving speed and obey all posted speed limits and signage.
  • If you see dangerous driving, please report it to the Ottawa Police.  Police are out every day in our community doing enforcement, and your reports help to focus their efforts where they will have the biggest impact.
(Vehicle speed stopping distance from the World Health Organization)

There several measures I’m taking with the City to curb residential speeding, including:

  • New approved subdivisions have streets designed to limit speeds to 30km/h with built-in permanent traffic calming measures such as narrowed intersections and better street design.
  • We’re piloting speed cameras at select school zones in Ottawa. If successful, the program will be deployed at more schools, and possibly other community safety areas such as near parks or community centres.
  • I have a yearly temporary traffic calming budget of $50,000 to fund flex stakes, radar boards, and other tools to remind drivers to slow down. We’re now plannning for new locations in 2021.
  • We regularly track traffic volumes and conditions at key intersections and recommending upgrades for stop signs and traffic lights.

I’ll continue to be an advocate for stronger road safety measures and I hope I can count on residents to take greater care on our roads, to keep everyone safe.

Share your feedback on the proposed design for Maize Park
The City is looking for your feedback on a new park in Stittsville. Maize Park will be at the intersection of Maize Street and Holstein Road, east of Maple Grove Road in a new subdivision being built by Richcraft. Read more…

(The 4 playground designs proposed for Maize Park)
(The location and proposed design for Maize Park)

You can stay up-to-date on City matters by subscribing to Councillor Gower’s e-newsletter at‘. You can also contact him by telephone at 613-580-2476 or email at Follow him on the web –


3 thoughts on “COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower”

  1. Again a park with no play field for soccer and football? What about pickle ball or tennis courts, basketball court etc so older children can be kept active positively
    As for speeding, you will need speed humps as they have in most other cities effectively or it’s a waste of time

    1. I agree about the speed humps-bumps-lumps.
      Speeders seem to view flex strips as Mario Kart powerups/obstacles to breeze past rather than be more cautious.
      Radar boards only work on folks that are already conscious of trying to remain within the speed limit. Otherwise it’s a hi-score for speeders.
      Speed humps are something I don’t like, but if you want to stop speeders…they’re the only way to go and won’t waste as much money. Jonwoods’ speed bumps seem to do the trick. I think most residents nearby have an instinctual sense to slow down at that location.

      1. Johnwoods is a ridiculous stretch of road, and a case study in bad city planning. It is a perfect example of what happens when you allow disgruntled suburban ninnies to run the show. There are better ways to curb speeding. I believe the digital signs are having an impact for the most part. Enforcement of the law, by the police, is still the best approach.

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