COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

The past two weeks have been memorable for many here in Stittsville after the Derecho blew through. Being kept up-to-date by Councillor Gower certainly assisted and was appreciated by the community. This week, the Councillor sends out his thanks to all who helped and informs us of what is to expect with the clean-up. Also, he shares a multi-cultural event that will showcase our community’s diversity – we encourage everyone to attend on June 25.

A post-storm thank you
Power has now been restored to every home, business, and building in Stittsville. The last three locations without power – Sacred Heart High School, Holy Spirit Church, and CARDELREC – came online Sunday morning after crews replaced and re-wired 14 poles on Shea Road.

We’ve been through a lot since the storm hit on May 21 and I would like to thank individuals and organizations who went above and beyond to help our community.

  • My team: Aline, Amelie, Catherine, Isobel, Jordan, and Tracy.
  • Stittsville’s emergency responders, including the volunteers and staff at Stations 46 and 81.
  • The hard-working crews at Hydro Ottawa and their counterparts from other cities who travelled to Ottawa to help.
  • City staff, including the Emergency Operations Centre and Public Works Department. Volunteers and staff from the Red Cross and Salvation Army, and staff at CARDELREC, who helped operate the emergency reception centre.
  • Community volunteers who helped in so many ways: clearing debris and cleaning up yards, checking in on neighbours, loaning generators, delivering flyers, answering phones at my office, and the countless other small gestures of kindness that we saw throughout Stittsville.

Once again we’ve seen residents come together to support friends, family and neighbours. You’ve looked out for each other and supported people who needed a hand. THANK YOU!

Storm clean-up
The City is working hard to collect storm-related debris. The City will pick up both organic debris, such as branches downed in the storm, as well as non-organic waste, such as broken shingles and other building materials. The crews will need extra time to collect all the items, so please be patient and leave these items at the roadside. This will take some time to complete. Items can remain at the curb as long as they are not blocking paths of travel or fire hydrants.

Regular park maintenance
We’ve had a few messages about park maintenance and long grass. The same crews who maintain parks have been tied up for the past 10 days assisting with storm clean-up. They are aware of the issues and hope to resume normal park maintenance in the coming days.

JUNE 25: “Welcome to Stittsville” multicultural event
We’re looking for participants at our new multicultural showcase on June 25 at Village Square Park.  The event aims to showcase our community’s diversity to Stittsville residents, as well as promote connectivity among community members and welcome new immigrants to our community.

If your family or community group would like to participate and showcase your country or culture’s food, art, music and traditions, please contact me at

June is nesting season for snapping turtles
Keep your eyes open for turtles in our community, especially near Poole Creek and Feedmill Creek in Stittsville. At this time of year, they may move long distances overland to suitable nesting areas, typically places with exposed soil, sand, or gravel. Unfortunately, this often exposes them to road traffic or other hazards. Here are some tips for how you can help keep them safe…

NOTEBOOK: Changes are needed to the 6310 Hazeldean development proposal
At the beginning of May, the City received an application for a zoning by-law amendment at 6310 Hazeldean Road, a vacant piece of land just west of Carp Road and north of the Crossing Bridge neighbourhood. The developer, Hazeldean Developments, is proposing to build three nine-storey apartment buildings with ground-floor commercial space.  I believe this proposal is not acceptable as it currently stands and should be scaled back. Read more…

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Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. You can also message us on WhatsApp at 613-277-0193. – Councillor Glen Gower


1 thought on “COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower”

  1. We live in College Ward, not Stittsville where my Bradley ancestors once lived. However, soon after Derecho ripped through Ottawa, we appreciated hearing Glen Gower’s reassuring voice on CFRA talk radio on our old Ford Philco transistor radio telling us what facilities were open to offer help if needed. We were only 5 days without power, but 14 days without telephone or internet. Our camping skills helped to keep us fed and city crews, hydro, and Bell worked around the clock to restore power and phone. A police officer cleared a large broken tree branch from our driveway. Kudos to everyone!

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