COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

Once again this week I’ve been very focused on Bill 23, the “More Homes Built Faster Act” from the provincial government. They introduced the bill the day after the election and we’ve all been scrambling to understand the potential impacts to our city.

It’s a massive change to how planning and development works in Ontario. Please read my analysis: “Ten reasons you should care about Ontario’s new housing legislation”. (Things like more urban sprawl, fewer park spaces, loss of important natural areas, and less protection for heritage buildings, just to name a few.)

The other shoe dropped late on Friday, when the Provincial government approved Ottawa’s Official Plan – but with some significant modifications. I’m still making my way through the changes but I’m not happy with what I see so far. They’ve added additional expansion land west of Stittsville; they’ve watered down policies to improve transit in the suburbs; and they’re allowing more height on collector streets across the city. I’ll share more info and thoughts in next week’s newsletter.


Homelessness in Stittsville
I want to thank everyone who has contacted our office with concerns about a man seen recently in our community who is experiencing homelessness. The City’s social services department has been doing wellness checks and is connecting him with resources and help. If you have a concern for an individual’s well-being, please call 3-1-1.

Recapping the week
Last Wednesday, I had the chance to sit down with Mayor-elect Mark Sutcliffe to talk about priorities for Stittsville and his city-wide focus when he officially becomes Mayor on November 15. (I’m spending most of this week at City Hall meeting with new councillors.)

On Thursday we had a very constructive meeting with our Stittsville-Kanata Health Hub working group, looking at near-term opportunities to improve access to health care services in our community.

On Friday, I finished up the week with a visit to the Stittsville Food Bank to meet with their Board of Directors, to learn more about their important work in the community.

Thanks to residents who dropped by my Councillor Chat on Saturday morning. We’ll be holding another one in early December – date tba.

We have our last Board of Health meeting on Monday evening, and on Tuesday afternoon I’ll be selling poppies at Walmart on behalf of the Stittsville Legion. Please drop by and make a donation to support veterans.


Remembrance Day in Stittsville
The Stittsville Legion Branch 618, is organizing this year’s Remembrance Day ceremony and parade on Friday, November 11 in Stittsville. New this year, veterans and Legion members will march in a parade starting at Warner-Colpitts Lane at 2:00pm, followed by a service at the Cenotaph in front of Johnny Leroux Arena.

Protect yourself from car thefts
Ottawa Police continue to work with their colleagues in Montreal to put a stop to car thefts in our community, and there have been several arrests in the past two months. Police are asking residents to report any suspicious behaviour. Call 9-1-1 for a crime in progress, or make a report by calling 613-236-1222, extension 7300. Check out this video that we did back in June with Cst. Jeff Kostuch, our community police officer, with tips and info for residents:

Stay up to date on vaccinations
Ottawa Public Health is planning for a fall and winter season with higher than usual levels of influenza (flu) in the community and an increase of COVID-19 transmission. Check in with your local pharmacy or healthcare provider to get yours. Children 6 months-2 years, newcomers, and those without OHIP can also book appointments at OPH clinics. For further information visit

Upcoming events

November 7-10: The Stittsville Scouts and Guides Food Drive
The Stittsville Scouts and Guides are organizing their annual Fall food drive for the Stittsville Food Bank. This will take place in Stittsville North during November 7-10 between 6:00pm and 8:30pm. Please contact Nicholas Wittebol at for any questions concerning this event.

Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. You can also message us on WhatsApp at 613-277-0193 – Councillor Glen Gower.


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