How meeting Adam Sandler inspired Tysen Lefebvre to raise $1-million

Adam Sandler and Tysen Lefebvre.

Editor’s note: Tysen Lefebvre has become a familiar name in Stittsville for his non-stop fundraising efforts in our community. He’s working to raise one million dollars for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We asked Tysen to share his story with our readers.

Tysen's Mission to a Million:  taken at Bayshore, during a shopping spree wish for Ashley
Tysen’s Mission to a Million: taken at Bayshore, during a shopping spree wish for Ashley
Tysen's Mission to a Million: E-waste drive with Stittsville Lions
Tysen’s Mission to a Million: E-waste drive with Stittsville Lions
Tysen's Mission to a Million: Fundraising barbecue held by Shad Qadri
Tysen’s Mission to a Million: Fundraising barbecue held by Shad Qadri
Tysen's Mission to a Million: Escapade Music Festival
Tysen’s Mission to a Million: Escapade Music Festival
Tysen's Mission to a Million:  24 Hours of Hockey Tournament
Tysen’s Mission to a Million: 24 Hours of Hockey Tournament

I am 14 years old and have lived in Stittsville all my life, with my parents and my older brother Andrew.  He lives in Kanata now with his wife and son.  I was born with Pfeiffer’s Syndrome, Type 2.   It is a very rare genetic condition.  I am in Grade 8 at Goulbourn Middle School.

We  always get my family together and watch an Adam Sandler movie the night before I have a  surgery or have to go to the hospital for a procedure. It’s a tradition we’ve done for as long as I can remember.  It’s always a way for us to watch a funny movie and not think too much about what was going to happen the next day.  We just get together and laugh at his silly movies. I’d always dreamed of meeting Adam.

Make a Wish made my dream come true in November of 2012 when they flew my Mom and Dad and I to Los Angeles, California to meet my idol, Adam Sandler.  He helped me get through some rough times without even knowing it and I was glad to get the chance to let him know how much I loved his movies.

He was amazing, just as I hoped he would be.  We spent the whole morning together at his Happy Madison Production Company at the Sony Studios.  He played basketball with me and took us all out for lunch.  It was better than I ever dreamed.  When I was in his office, I noticed how many letters of thanks he had up from people all over the world, thanking him for nice things he’d done for them.  It inspired me to try and do something  good with my life too.

In 2013, with the help of Make a Wish, I launched my “Tysen’s Mission to a Million”.  I wanted to pay it forward and help local kids get their wish.  I have a five year plan to raise one millions dollars, enough to help 100 kids get their wish. So far I’ve raised over $218,000.

I’ve done a lot of fun stuff for my Mission. I’ve spoken at schools, Sacred Heart, Stittsville Public and A. Lorne Cassidy.  I was on a panel of youth to speak to during Grand Rounds at CHEO.  I go to all the fundraising events I can. By far, the most exciting thing I’ve done is gone to help Make a Wish with the wish reveal or delivery.  Every kid I’ve met is so special in their own way and I am so grateful when I get to meet them.  They make all the hard work worthwhile.  So far I’ve granted 22 Wishes.

If you’d like you can check out my website at, from there you can get links to my Facebook and twitter accounts. Events and Wish Stories always go up on Facebook.  All the money I collect goes to Make a Wish of Eastern Ontario.  I always love hearing fundraising ideas!

Tysen Lefebvre, Stittsville


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