(Information provided by 9 RUN RUN organizers.)
Here’s a list of road closures for the 9 RUN RUN on Saturday, October 18. All times are approximate.
Since this is a timed event, roads will be closed while the participants are on course
Abbott Street West will close at 07:00 am to allow the race organizers time to set up the structure for the start/finish line
The remaining road closures will commence just prior to the start of the event at 08:45 and will re-open once the last runner has passed each location
07:00 to 13:00 Abbott Street West – both directions will be closed from Stittsville Main Street to Westridge Dr
08:45 to 09:30 Stittsville Main Street – both direction from Abbott St to Fernbank Rd will be closed for the start of the 10K and Half Marathon races. The roadway will re-open once the last Half Marathon runner has passed by Fernbank Rd.
08:45 – 09:30 Closure of 10 K route (Stittsville Main, Elm, Cypress Gardens, Elm, Bell, Westridge from Bell to Abbott)
08:45 to 09:45 Stittsville Main to Flewellyn – southbound lane closed till last half marathoner passes Flewellyn
08:55 hrs to 09:30 Westridge Rd – northbound will be closed from Bell Stto Abbott St The road will reopen once the last 10k runner has passed and is on the trail
09:15 to 11:15 Flewellyn Rd – westbound only, will be closed from Main Street to Munster Rd. It will be re-opened once the last runner has turned onto Munster Rd.
09:30 to 11:15 Munster Rd – northbound lane only, will be closed from Flewellyn Rd to Fernbank Rd. It will be re-opened once the last runner has turned onto Fernbank Rd
09:30 to 11:30 Fernbank Rd -eastbound will be closed from Munster Rd to Jinkinson Rd. It will be re-opened once the last runner has turned onto Jinkinson Rd
09:30 to 12:00 Jinkinson Rd -both directions will be closed from Fernbank Rd to a location north of the Trans Canada Trail (passed the turn around point) It will re-open once the last runner is on the Trans Canada Trail.
More info: www.9runrun.ca