Some simple precautions to keep bears away as hibernation ends

Black bear near Hazeldean Road and Jinkinson Road, June 4, 2015. Photo by Kenny B Images.

(ABOVE: Black bear near Hazeldean Road and Jinkinson Road, June 4, 2015. Photo by Kenny B Images.)

(We haven’t heard of any bear sightings in our area yet this season, but it wouldn’t be unusual for this time of year. Here’s a public advisory release by the Ontario Provincial Police.)

The Ontario government and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are reminding people to take extra care not to attract bears to their neighbourhood.

In some parts of the province, this year’s mild winter means black bears are coming out of hibernation early. Taking simple precautions can help prevent black bears from visiting your community.

Human-bear interactions are related to the availability of bears’ natural food sources. When natural food sources are unavailable, black bears will search for other food. Items such as garbage and bird feed can draw bears to populated areas. Take care by:

  • Storing garbage in waste containers with tight-fitting lids
  • Putting out garbage only on the morning of pickup
  • Filling bird feeders, including seed, suet and nectar only during the winter when bears are hibernating
  • Cleaning food residue and removing grease from outdoor barbecue grills after each use
  • Keeping pet food indoors.

A bear that enters a populated area isn’t necessarily a threat, but it is important to know who to call during a bear encounter. If a bear is posing an immediate threat to public safety by exhibiting threatening or aggressive behaviour, call 911 or your local police.

For non-emergencies, the province operates a toll-free Bear Wise reporting line (1-866-514-2327) 24/7 from April 1 to November 30 to provide the public with information and best practices.

Quick Facts

  • Since 2004, Ontario’s Bear Wise program has been educating people on how to avoid attracting bears and how to prevent human-bear interactions.
  • Bears will remember their last source of food and return there when hungry, sometimes travelling over 100 kilometres.

Background Information

Additional Resources

(This article originally appeared on our sister site,


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