Table tennis starts up this week at Johnny Leroux arena

Stittsville table tennis. Photo by Bob Schwenger.

(Photo by Bob Schwenger)

Are you looking for an activity to keep your body moving and your brain working? According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine playing table tennis or other racquet sports makes you 47% less likely to die of any cause than doing other aerobic activities. Table tennis provides a good cardiovascular workout and increases upper and lower body strength helping prevent potentially debilitating injuries such as falls.

Some Stittsville residents can attest to these benefits, but more importantly we have a lot of fun keeping healthy. We have been playing for the last ten years every Tuesday and Thursday. Some of us started the sport after age 55, hitting the ball only occasionally and usually not where it should have gone. Our feeble attempts were tolerated and we improved each time with the help of Bob Schwenger our coach. Some players started off very competent, but even they have improved. We always have very competitive games. These are not the fiercely attacking games that you see on television, but they are fast-moving without the hostility. We are a friendly group and enjoy ourselves.

We usually play doubles, and our partners have been very patient with us. There are enough tables to play singles also. We have lots of laughter and now can be proud of many of our strokes.

Not much equipment is required. Wear comfortable clothes in any colour except white and non-slip athletic shoes. If you do not have a table tennis paddle, there are some basic paddles and balls for you to borrow until you get you own. Do not buy your own without consulting our coach, as he has useful ideas about paddles.

You can register for table tennis with the City of Ottawa online and in person at the Goulbourn Recreation Centre. Register early to guarantee your place. If you have paid and later decide to withdraw, you will be able to get a pro-rated refund minus an administrative charge.

Table Tennis-Adult: Improve your reflexes and speed up your thinking playing table tennis. Develop your skills and a better understanding of the sport as you play the game. Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena on Warner Colpitts Lane off Stittsville Main Street
Tue., Thu.  12:15-1:45 pm
Jan 9-Dec Mar 8 $90.25 1102660
Seniors over age 65 pay $81.25

For more information please contact Bob Schwenger at 613-836-7210 or email at

(Article submitted by Susan Lopez on behalf of the Table Tennis group.)


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