I spent most of my afternoon today in the area of Norway Spruce, Henry Goulbourn, and Turtleback. Seems like every time I think I’ve seen the worst of the damage, I find another street with something more serious. There is an incredible amount of tree loss and property damage in this area. I spoke to an older couple who lost trees in their backyard that they remember planting 50 years ago when their home was first built. Thankfully, we are not aware of any serious injuries in the Stittsville community.
A big thank you to all the volunteers who came out today to help deliver flyers and check in on residents most affected by the ongoing power outage. Again and again, we’re hearing stories about how neighbours have come together to help and support each other to help clean up after this storm. Thank you Stittsville!

The power situation
Some considerable progress on our power map since last night. At around 12:30pm streets in Potter’s Key, Jackson Trails, Amberlakes got their power back. (Streets marked in blue have power as of 5:30pm this evening.)
Still several streets without power – mostly in Bryanston Gate, Fairwinds, and the Norway Spruce/Henry Goulbourn areas. We’re now at over 96 hours now without power – this is an incredibly long outage by any standard, and continues to be an emergency situation for our Stittsville community and the City at large.
Hydro Ottawa’s focus today includes tree removal and civil work to get new poles installed. With more than 200 damaged poles across the city, this level of infrastructure replacement would normally require six months, but they’re performing it within days.
More hydro crews from Toronto are on the ground now. The Province is sending forty firefighters from the provincial Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry to bolster the City’s work related to tree debris clean up. They will be arriving as soon as possible.
Hydro Ottawa says that all homes will be reconnected by Friday, but we do not have specific updates for individual streets. I continue to be in regular contact with Hydro Ottawa about the situation in Stittsville.
CARDELREC remains open as an emergency centre
City staff, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army continue to help residents at CARDELREC (1500 Shea Road). Recharge your device, get a warm shower, grab some food or refreshments. If you need a refrigerator to store prescriptions, we can help. There are pet friendly areas as well. Open 10am-10pm daily.
The Stittsville Legion is also opening their doors to anyone in the community who needs a place to plug in and recharge their device. They’re on Stittsville Main Street just north of Abbott.
Volunteers needed on Thursday
We need volunteer help again tomorrow to visit residents who are still without power. We want to make sure people know where to find help if they need it. Please drop by my office at CARDELREC (1500 Shea Road) any time between 10am-2pm to pick up a package of flyers. (Things to bring: comfortable walking shoes, sun screen, mobile device.)
Organic waste / spoiled food disposal
There are large bins at CARDELREC (1500 Shea Road). Only organic waste place (remove all food packaging, plastic, bottles, etc.). You can bag it in a garbage bag and grocery bag just like you would for your green bin.
The City’s landfill at the Trail Waste Facility (4475 Trail Road) is also offering extended hours to accommodate special collections and will waive tipping fees for residents with storm-related materials to support residents with their disposal needs.
Your regular waste pick-up will go ahead this week – just remember collection is delayed by one day due to the holiday Monday. For most residents that means regular pick-up is on Thursday or Friday this week.
Note: Your insurance may provide coverage for food lost due to a weather emergency. Call your insurance provider to check on details. Financial assistance is also available to low-income individuals. Call 3-1-1 for details.
Damaged trees and brush
City crews have started to remove tree branches and yard waste, but it will take several weeks before the cleanup is finished. If possible, residents should bring tree-cuttings, branches and brush to the curb for collection, ensuring it does not impede the roadway or pedestrian access. Please separate brush like tree cuttings or branches from non-organic storm-related waste like damaged lawn furniture or broken fencing.
Please let me know what help you require.
My job is to understand what our community needs are right now, and to connect residents with City services that can help. The best way to reach me and my team is by email at glen.gower@ottawa.ca or by phone at 613-580-2476 (please leave a message if we cannot answer).
We are providing updates in a number of ways:
- Visit the Ottawa emergency resource page: https://ottawa.ca/en/health-and-public-safety/emergency-preparedness/severe-thunderstorm
- Follow my Facebook page: https://facebook.com/councillorglen/
- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/glengower/
- Visit my web site: https://glengower.ca
- Listen to the radio: 580 AM, 1310 AM, 91.5FM
Stay safe, and take care! – Councillor Glen