The City of Ottawa invites residents to the launch of the project to develop the new Official Plan. The Official Plan is the strategic document that guides our city’s growth and development, and it will impact how and where the city will grow around us, now and for years to come.
Our long-term goal is for Ottawa to grow into the most liveable mid-sized city in North America, and we need your insight to make this happen. We are collaborating with residents from across the entire city to gather public input on the key issues facing Ottawa today.
Find out how you can help us plan for Ottawa’s future at the upcoming Open House event:
Monday, March 4
12 to 8 pm
Context presentations at 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm in Council Chambers
Ottawa City Hall, Jean Pigott Place and Council Chambers
110 Laurier Avenue West
At this event, you can learn about the process of preparing a new Official Plan and ask City staff your questions about the project. If you can’t attend in person, join us on Facebook for a livestream of the presentations at 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm.
For more information about the new Official Plan, please visit